基于第四代地震区划的跨越发震断层 永久位移概率分析方法.PDF

基于第四代地震区划的跨越发震断层 永久位移概率分析方法.PDF

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基于第四代地震区划的跨越发震断层 永久位移概率分析方法.PDF

28 4 V o l. 28 N o. 4 200 8 8 JOURNAL OF EARTH QUAKE ENG INEER ING AND ENG IN EER ING V IBRAT ION A ug. 2008 : 1000-1301( 2008) 04- 0022- 06 赵纪生, 刘艳琼, 师黎静, 吴景发 ( , , 150080 ) : L ee( 2007) Y oung s( 2003) , , , , , , , , : : TU 317 TU 528. 73 : A A p robab ilistic approach to evaluate perm an en t disp lacem en t crossing fau lt by 4 th generation seism ic zon ing m ap of Ch ina ZHAO J isheng, L IU Y anqiong, SH I L ijing, W U Jingfa ( In stitute of Engin eering M echan ics, Ch ina E arthqu ake A dm inistrat ion, H arb in 150080, Ch in a) A bstract: A probab ilistic approach to eva lu ate the p erm anent d isp lacem ent crossing fault is presented, w hich is b ased on the fram e work of Lee ( 2007) and Y oungs ( 2003) and the param eters o f po tentia l source zone affirm ed by the 4th seism ic zon ing m ap of China. Earthquake hazard investigation show s th at the structures dam age o r collap se is cau sed not only by the strong ground m otion, but also by the surface rupture or the perm anent disp lacem ent. T he ratio o f stru cture fa ilure caused by the surface rupture or the perm anent d isplacem en t is very high, especially in near field of strong earthquakes. T he objective of th is p ap er is to determ ine the value of p erm anent disp lacem ent crossing fault in d ifferent prob ab ilist ic levels on the fau lt, w hich are identical to the leve ls of strong ground m o tion clami ed in the code for se ism ic design of bu ildings ( GB 50011- 2001) and the code for seism ic design o



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