基础研究 醒髓汤对实验性大鼠脊髓损伤组织中降钙素基因.PDF

基础研究 醒髓汤对实验性大鼠脊髓损伤组织中降钙素基因.PDF

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基础研究 醒髓汤对实验性大鼠脊髓损伤组织中降钙素基因.PDF

304 2007 5 20 5 China J Orthop Tra m a, M ay. 2007, Vo.l 20, No. 5 1 1 2 张晓艳 , 周鹏 , 姬军风 ( 1, 325035; 2) ! : 研究醒髓汤对大鼠急性脊髓损伤治疗作用及对神经组织中降钙素基因相关肽( CGRP) 影响 : 48只大鼠随机分为 3组, 空白对照组 20只, 模型组 8 只, 醒髓汤组 20 只用改良 A llen∀s法造脊髓损伤模型 空白对照组仅咬除棘突, 剥离椎板, 正常饲养; 模型组造模后灌生理盐水; 醒髓汤组灌中药醒髓汤于手术后 2624 h 用斜板试验评价大鼠 神经功能, 并取脊髓匀浆, 测量脊髓中CGRP 含量: 模型组 CGRP在造模成功后逐渐 上升, 6 h达到顶峰, 24 h恢复至正常水平醒髓汤组与模型组伤后2 h无明显差别, CGRP均升高, 6 h 后达到顶峰, 两 组与空白对照组相比有显著性差异(P 001)而醒髓汤组在 6 h 后匀浆组织中 CGRP含量高于模型组 (P 005) 醒髓汤组与模型组于伤后6 h在神经功能恢复方面无显著性差异但在 24 h 后醒髓汤组与模型组Travor评分有显著 性差异 (P 005): 醒髓汤对大鼠脊髓损伤有较好 治疗作用, 并可增加脊髓中CGRP 含量 ! 醒髓汤; 脊髓损伤; 斜板试验; 降钙素基因相关肽; 大鼠 E ffec t ofX ing su i decoction( ) on ca lcition in gene related pep tide( CGRP) of sp inal cord injury in rats ZHANG * * X iaoy an , ZH OU P eng, JI Junf eng. WenzhouM ed ical Co llege, W enzhou 325035, Zhej iang, China AB STRACT O bject ive To st dy the therape tic effect ofX ing ui decoction on spinal cord inj ry( SCI) and the effect on the level of CGRP of sp inal cord in rats. M ethod s Fortyeight SD rats were random ly divided into 3 gro ps, 20 rats in the blank gro p, 8 in them odel gro p and 20 inX ing ui decoction gro p. The rats m odelw as m ade by A llen∀sweight drop method. Rats in b lank control gro p w ere on ly c t off spinal process and decoherenced vertebral p late, and w ere fed norm ally. A fter models w erem ade s ccessf lly, rats in m odel gro p w ere fedw ith saline and rats inX ing ui decoction gro p were fedw ithX ing u i de coction. The nerve f nctionw as m ess red on the inclined plane test and the content of CGRP in sp inal cordw as determ ined at 2, 6, 24 ho rs after inj ry by the A llen∀s method. R esu lts In m odel gro p, the content of CGRP in sp inal



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