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15 1 Vo.l 15, No. 1 2006 2 JOURNAL OF NATURAL D ISASTERS Feb. , 2006 : 100 - 57 ( 2006) 01- 01 9- 06 张土乔, 黄亚东, 吴小刚 ( , 310027) : , , , , , , : ; ; ; ; : TU991. 33 : A R isk of location of water quality m on itoring station s in water distribu tion system s ZHANG Tu-qiao, HUANG Ya-dong, WU X iao-gang ( Departm ent ofC ivil Engineering, Zhej iang University, H angzhou 310027, China) Abs tract: A ttention is paid to drinking w ater safety in recent years. Mon itoring of drinking w ater transported by a w ater distribution system is an essential step to ensure the safety ofw ater supplying and them inmi ization of pollution risk of drinking w ater quality to the consumers taps. How ever, no scientificm ethodology depicts how thesemon ito- ring stations are to be optmi ally located by now. A fter defin ing the concept of location risk of water quality mon ito- ring stations in aw ater distribution system, a new methodology w as proposed based on b inary particle sw arm algo- rithm to help identify optmi al water qualitymonitoring stations in a w ater d istribution system. The research in th is paper can help decision-maker to select the optmi alw ater qualitymon itoring stations in aw ater d istribution system. K ey w ord s: w ater safety; w ater qualitymonitoring station; location; risk; particle sw arm algorithm 1998, [ 1] 63, , , , [ 2] : , , , , , , [ 2, 3] Lee ( demand coverage), C ,


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