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25 1 V o l. 25, N o. 1 2005 2 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION F eb. 2005 : 1000- 1301 2005) 01- 0008- 06 1 2 杨伟林 , 杨柏坡 1. , 2 100 14; 2. , 150080) : , , , , , , , : ; ; ; ; : P315. 95 : A Num erical analysis of exp losion seism ic effect 1 2 Y ang W e ilin , Y ang Ba ipo 1. Inst itu te of E arthquake Eng ineering of J iangsu Prov ince, N anjing 2 100 14, C h ina; 2. In stitu te of E ngineering M echan ics, Ch in a Eng ineering A dm in istration, H arb in 150080, Ch ina) Abs tract: T here is a lmi it to u se em pirical form ulas in explosion design duo to the com plex site cond ition o f a pro- ject. T he dynam ic FEM is u sed to study the explosion seism ic effects of a com plex project site. B ased on the rock m ass param etersm easurem ent in situ, num erical ana lysis is carried ou t by u sing ESELAND V 1. 2) program. PGA and PGV o f ground surface are com puted. The attenuation characteristics are also presented. T he expermi ental data of practica l exp losion agree w e llw ith the num erica l analytic resu lts, and som e design param eters have been presen- ted for the applicat ion of an mi portant project. It show s that the ana lysis m ethod o f explosion se ism ic effect is feas-i b le, and can be u sed for reference in o ther projects. K ey w ord s: exp losion; se ism ic effect; FEM; num erical analysis; expermi ent , , , , ) ) 20 , , 50 , , , , [ 1, 2] 2



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