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31 9 Vol.31, No.9 2011 9 ACTA OPTICA SINICA September, 2011 激光细胞微手术的发展和应用 张镇西 姚翠萍 王 晶 梅建生 杨 洋 ( , , , 710049) , , , ,, , ;; ; R318. 15 A doi: 10. 3788/ AOS201131. 0900124 Development and Application of the Laser Cell Microsurgery Zhang Zhenxi Yao Cuiping Wang Jing Mei Jian heng Yang Yang ( Key Labor atory of Bio edical Infor ation Engineering of Ministry of Education and Institute of Bio edical Analytical Technology and Instru entation , School of Life Science and Technology , Xian Jiaotong University , Xian , Shaanxi 710049, China) Abstract The development of the modern life cience i largly dependent on the manipulation of the cell , uch a removel of the certain protein or ubcellular organelle, and the la er cell micro urgery i a powerful tool. Until now, three mechni m are explited for the la er cell urgery: general la er tighly focu ed irradiation, femo econd la er focu ed irradiation and gold nanoparticle ba ed la er irradiation. During the pa t few year , exten ive progre and numerou breakthrough have been made in thi area of re earch. Here the la te t development of la er cell micro urgery and it application in the field of biology and biomedical engineering are reviewed. Furthermore, thi review cover three different la er cell micro urgery and their advantage and di advantage . A large amount of cell can be manipulated at the ame time and no need of many expen ive in trument are the main advantage of the gold nanoparticle ba ed on la er cell urgery in compari on with pre ent exi ting method . Key words medical optic ; cell micro urgery; gold nanoparticle; femto econd la er OCIS codes 170. 1530; 170. 7160; 170. 1020 1


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