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33 4 V l. 33, N . 4 2 0 0 1 8 JOURNAL OF HARBIN INST IT UTE OF T ECHNOLOGY Aug . , 200 1 武湛君, 张博明, 王殿富, 杜善义 ( 哈尔滨工业大学 复合材料研究所, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150006) : , , . , , , . , , . : ; ; ; ; ; : T B381 : A : 0367-6234( 2001) 04-0469-06 Application of fibre optic sensors in civil structures WU Zhan-jun, ZHANG B -ming, WANG Dian-fu, DU Shan-yi ( Center f r C mp site Materials, Harbin Institute f T echn l gy, Harbin 15000 1, China) Abstract : On-line m nit ring and evaluati n f healthy c nditi ns f civil buildings is essential f r maintain- ing structural safety and l w ering maintenace and repair c sts. In c mparis n w ith traditi nal m nit ring means, fibre ptic sens rs feature small v lume, high sensitivity , linear resp nse, w ide signal band, str ng electr magnetic interference resistance, str ng anti-attenuati n capability, easy installati n and l ng service life. Theref re, the research n their applicati ns became very p pular, and a new sens r came after an th- er, and trials have been made with fibre ptic sens rs in actual c nstructi n pr jects f r m nit ring such in- f rmati n as strain, stress, crack and vibrati n essential t structural safety. With fibre ptic sens rs suit- able f r civil architecture classified acc rding t their applicati ns, the perating principles, uses, and p ssi- ble pr blems and s luti ns f these snes rs are discussed in detail. Key words: fibre ptic sens r; civil architecture; strain; stress; vibrati n; c rr si n , , , , . . : 2000- 09- 13.



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