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第36 卷第4 期 湖南农业大学学报( 自然科学版) Vol .36 No.4 20 10 年8 月 Journal of Hunan Agricultural University (Natural Sciences) Aug .20 10 DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1238.2010.00388 烟草 WS38 生长素结合蛋白基因 cDNA 的克隆及序列分析 刘晓柱,黄妤,彭珍子,周晶辉,洪亚辉,张学文* (湖南农业大学 生物科学技术学院,湖南 长沙410128) 摘 要:以烟草WS38 为材料,根据GenBank 中登录的烟草生长素结合蛋白(ABP1)氨基酸序列设计引物,通过 RT-PCR 克隆了烟草WS38 ABP1 基因cDNA 分子编码区,序列全长为564 bp ,可编码1 条188 个氨基酸的多肽 .利 用 Clustal X 软件对该序列翻译获得的多肽序列与报道的烟草生长素结合蛋白氨基酸序列比较,两者同源性为 98.4% ,存在2 个氨基酸的差异,但差异氨基酸对ABP1 结构和功能影响微弱 .认为克隆的cDNA 序列即为烟草 WS38 ABP1 cDNA ,不同品种烟草ABP1 基因存在的核苷酸单位点多态性(SNP)造成了两者氨基酸序列的差异 . 关 键 词 :烟草;生长素结合蛋白;cDNA 克隆;序列分析 中图分类号:Q785 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-1032(2010)04-0388-04 Cloning and sequence analysis of auxin-binding proteins gene cDNA of Nicotiana tabacum WS38 * LIU Xiao-zhu, HUANG Yu, PENG Zhen-zi, ZHOU Jing-hui, HONG Ya-hui, ZHANG Xue-wen (College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, HNAU, Changsha 410128, China) Abstract :Nicotiana tabacum WS38 ABP1 cDNA coding sequence was cloned by RT-PCR with the primers that were designed according to reported Nicotiana tabacum ABP1 amino acid sequence in GenBank. The sequence analysis showed that the length of the cDNA was 564 bp. Information analysis indicated that the open reading frame can encode 188 amino acids polypeptide with the 98.4% homology with the reported ABP1. It also demonstrated that the ABP1 in Nicotiana tabacum varied in different cultivars and there was some single nucleic acid polymorphasim with WS38 and NK326 . Key words :Nicotiana tabacum ; auxin-binding proteins(ABP); cDNA cloning; sequence analysis 生长素参与植物细胞伸长、分裂及分化的信号传 量既关系到细胞的相对生长,又直接影响细胞对生


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