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本文由xiaoyu52999贡献 doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 基于单片机的数字化语音与存储系统 摘 要 语言在人类发展史中起到了至关重要的作用, 它的作用并不亚于直立行走和 工具的使用,怎样能把人类的语言丝毫不差地记录下来也是人们一直思考的问 题。传统的磁带语音录放系统因其体积大、使用不便,在电子与信息处理的使用 中受到许多限制。本文提出的体积小巧,功耗低的数字化语音存储与回放系统将 完全可以替代它。论文首先介绍了语音存储与回放系统的发展和基本结构,然后 通过分析比较选择最佳设计方案,并完成整个系统电路的设计,其中系统以单片 机 89C51 为核心,选用由 1 片 62256 组成 RAM 阵列,作为语音的数字化信号的存 储器件,将外部数据存储空间扩大至 32KB。利用 AM 和 DPCM 方法对数据进行压 缩以加长存储时间。接着是详细介绍各个单元电路的组成以及功能,并对有关元 器件参数选择做出详细分析,最后是写出调试方案。本文阐述了实用可靠的设计 方案。 关键词: 关键词:单片机 89C51 62256 RAM AM DPCM I Based on SCMs digital voice storage and playback system ABSTRACT The language played the very important role in the history of human development. Its role and no less than upright walking and the use of tools. How can be not the least bit off humanitys language records is also the question which the people have pondered. Traditional voice tape recorders because of their larger systems, the use of inconvenience, receives many limits in the use of electronic and information processing. This article proposed small size, low power consumption of digital voice storage and playback system can replace it. The paper first introduces the development and basic structures of voice storage and playback system, then analyzes to determine the best design options, and designs the whole circuit. The system take MCU 89C51 as a core, chosen by one 62256 of RAM arrays, as pronunciation of the digital signals in the memory component,external data storage space will be expanded to 32 KB.Make AM and DPCM method use of the data compressed to lengthen the storage time. Then introduces the components and the functions of the unit circuit, then makes a detailed analysis for the components of the relevant parameters, and writes debugging programs finally. This paper presents a practical and reliable design. Keywords: 89C51; 62256; RAM; AM; DPCM II 南京工业大学本科生毕业设计(论文) 摘 要…… I ABSTRACT …… II 第一章 绪论 …… 1 1.1 语音存储与回放系统概述……1 1.1.1 引言…… 1 1.1.2


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