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1. When does she have to get up every morning? She has to get up at six o’clock. While reading 2. Can she play basketball after school? Why? 3.When does she have to go to bed ? 4.Why does she have to run to school? No, she can’t. Because she must do her homework. She has to go to bed before ten o’clock. Because she can’t be late for school. after reading After breakfast she can’t After that she has to At school she can’t /she can’t After school she must /she can’t After dinner she must Before 10:00 she has to Look at the structure of the passage .Find out in which order does she write the letter? Read the passage again try to retell Molly’s rules: Memory Challenge What should Molly do? Let’s read the letter from Dr.know, Underline his advice for molly. While reading Homework Wrtie about your own family rules. There are many rules at my home. I can’t… I have to… I can … While reading Writing Practice Rules are important! They can help us to be good children.we have learned many rules .let’s use them in our daily life. 一言一行关乎文明,文明就在我们的言行中。学校为此开展文明礼貌月活动, 请同学们讨论并以小组为单位写几条文明从我做起为主题的倡议语,尽可能做到精美。评出优胜组课后贴到教室外的展板上。 attitude Rules for writing : 1.You can use can/can’t /have to/don’t 2.Your words must be short and powerful 3.Check if there are spelling mistakes 4.Write at least 5 pieces. 5.You must try your best。 小组展示 组内争优! 2. 组间PK! Don’t eat in class Summary Learn to talk about different rules Follow the rules! Be polite and happy students! Don’t do… … can’t … … have to… …must… The different ways of asking for help|(advice) attitude knowledge skill culture Homework : Talk about your dream family rules. the more we get together 新目标七年级下册 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class Section B 1a—2c 广饶县大王镇中心初中 高美荣 Don’t talk in the library ! Library Rules Don’t smoke in public


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