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凤凰高级小学 刘红叶 外研版(三起)六年级下册 新外研版小学英语六年级下 六年级英语下册 Module 1 Module 6 Birthday party Photos restaurants be v+ing和 乐器类的用法 Module 9 Wishes Middle school 学会运用 祝福语 Module 3 Module 4 Module 10 Module 2 Module 8 Module 5 presents Plants Yangliwei Why 学会运用过去式 叙述事物 学会描述人物 学会用be going to表达 运用why 来提问 Playing the suona Module7 Food的 问答 用be going to 来描述事物 用be v+ing 来描述图片 词汇 句型 Module1 新外研版小学英语六年级下Module 1 cola look dollar enjoy cent cashier careful What do you want to eat? What do you want to drink? Can I help you? I want a hot dog,please How much is it/ It’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. 新外研版小学英语六年级下Module 2 Module2 模块题目 语言知识目标 情感目标 学习策略目标 文化意识目标 能力目标 weather 会用进行询问和回答; 自主学习,总结单词构成规律. 正确书写本单元的 单词和句子 会用将来时 来描述 能正确认单词 体验自主学习 取得成功的乐趣 培 养对天气 文化的认识 激发学生积极性,有 效记住重点句型 了解天气的表达. 词汇 动词 形容词 句型 The sun is shining. The birds are singing in the tree The ducks are eating our sandwiches. The cows are drinking water. Module3 名词 动词词组 新外研版小学英语六年级下Module3 cow rabbit great fly away clean room blow cry everyone drink water 词汇 新词 旧词 句型 What’s this? It’s a/an… cow mess balloon just flyaway blow carry things everything falling stairs Module4 新外研版小学英语六年级下Module4 Who can help me? I can’t carry everything. Sorry ,I can’t The balloons are fiying away. The apples are falling down the stairs. cry shine 新外研版小学英语六年级下Module5 Module 5 Words 名词 副词/ loudly play bark Sentences thied time nothing She is having lunch, but the phone rings. Daming is playing the souna, but the phone rings Daming is playing the suona again,but the bell rings He’s riding his bike, but it starts to rain. 新外研版小学英语六年级下Module6 Module6 words ability 运用本单元句型,词汇结合已学知 学会描述 drills Simon was interested in the book too It was Daming’s birthday yesterday. It was a book about------ decide finish interested space got The name of ------. home brought first 新外研版小学英语六年级下Module 7 Module7 语言技能 情感态度 国际视野 合作精神 动机兴趣 写 读 说 听 同伴互助 两个对话 问句及回答 对话 本课单词 语言知识 话题 语法 语音 小组互助 热爱世界 热爱祖国 四会句子 四会单词 四会句子 对话及句


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