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(2)所有样品均为阳性(假阳性): ①设立阴性对照,空白对照; ②样品收集、处理时避免操作污染; ③避免阳性对照样品对检测样品的污染。 (3)PCR产物呈片状: ①减少聚合酶浓度;②增加退火温度; ③减少循环周期。 PCR技术及其医学应用 Polymerase chain reaction The polymerase chain reaction (PCR):to amplify a sequence of DNA using a pair of primers each complementary to one end of the the DNA target sequence. 1985年,美国Cetus 公司和加利福尼亚大学联合创建了一种核酸体外扩增技术。 第一节 PCR原理与特点 一、PCR基本原理 PCR是一种选择性扩增DNA或RNA的方法, 其基本原理是依据体内细胞分裂中的DNA半保留复制机理,以及在体外DNA分子于不同温度下双链和单链可以互相转变的性质,人为地控制体外合成系统的温度,以促使双链DNA变成单链;单链DNA与人工合成的引物退火,以及在dNTP存在下,耐高温的DNA聚合酶使引物沿单链模板延伸成为双链DNA。高温变性,低温退火,适温延伸等3步反应循环进行,使目的DNA得以迅速扩增。 Denaturation (变性): The target DNA (template) is separated into two stands by heating to 95℃ Primer annealing (引物退火): The temperature is reduced to around 55℃ to allow the primers to anneal. Polymerization (elongation, extension): The temperature is increased to 72℃ for optimal polymerization step which uses up dNTPs and required Mg++ How PCR works PCR proceeds by sequential cycles of: 1.DNA denaturation The sample DNA is denatured with heat to form single stranded DNA. 与体内DNA解链过程不同,PCR中作为模板的双链DNA是通过95 ℃左右的高温使其产生变性,形成单链DNA而游离于反应溶液中。 2.单链DNA模板与引物退火(annealing) The primers are annealed to the single stranded DNA by cooling the sample. 通常需要两个寡核苷酸作DNA合成的引物(primer),这两个引物分别与待扩增顺序两侧的模板DNA互补,在降低温度的过程中,通过控制退火条件, 引物就能准确地配对在扩增区域的两侧。 Primers 引物 PCR primers:about 18 to 30 nt long and with similar G+C contents. Tm=2(a+t)+4(g+c): determine annealing temperature. If the primer is 18-30 nt, annealing temperature can be Tm?5oC 3.引物的延伸(extension) The primers are extended in the presence of DNA polymerase and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, and complementary copies of the target DNA is produced PCR 在PCR反应体系中的DNA聚合酶,能够催化反应体系中游离的单核苷酸(dNTP)按引物5-3方向,按碱基配对的原则延伸,形成两条与模板DNA互补的半保留复制链,新合成的链又作为下轮循环反应的模板。 Enzymes for PCR The most common is Taq polymerase from Thermus aquaticus. It has no 3’ to 5’ proofreading exonuclease activity. Accuracy is low, not good for cloning. The c