人教版必修二unit4 Wildlifeprotection知识点总结、.ppt

人教版必修二unit4 Wildlifeprotection知识点总结、.ppt

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人教版必修二unit4 Wildlifeprotection知识点总结、

unit4 Wildlife protection;填空: They showed ____ to their enemies. (mercy) She was _____ to the prisoners. (mercy) 翻译: The ship was at the mercy of the storm.;【原句回放】 Farmers hunted us without mercy. mercy n. 仁慈;宽容;怜悯 ? merciful adj. 仁慈的,宽容的。 【拓展】 at the mercy of sb. /sth. 任……处置;对……无能为力;任由摆布 throw oneself on sb’s mercy 指望某人能宽容 without mercy 残忍地 show mercy to sb have mercy on sb 同情 可怜某人;填空: The change in climate may ____ (影响) your health. ;【原句回放】 It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. affect ?(Vt.) 影响;使感动。 【拓展】 Have/produce an effect on 对……有影响 come into effect 生效;实施 be of no effect 无效的;无用的; 【原句回放】 If their habitat is threatened or they cannot find enough food,their numbers may decrease. decrease v. n. (1)vi. vt. 降低,减少,使(变小) (2)n. 降低,减少 [搭配] decrease in 在……方面减少 from 在……基础上减少 to 减少到…… by 减少了…… [特别提示] decrease v. 减少 [近]reduce v. 减少 [反]increase v. 增加 ;Did you report the ____ (丢失) of your jewellery to the police? The company suffered a heavy ____ (损失)as a result of that mistake. What made him unhappy was the loss (输) of yesterday’s football match.;【原句回放】 loss of bamboo growing areas 竹子生长地的丧失 loss n. (1)[U]损失;遗失;丧失 (2)损失,损坏 (3)[C]输,未能赢 【拓展】 the loss of sth. 损失/丢失/输掉某物 suffer a loss (of) 蒙受损失 make up a loss 弥补损失 at a loss 不知所措,困惑 ;联想: lose v. lost adj. loser n. 拓展: lose one’s way lose oneself lose one’s balance lose a game/match by be lost in ;联想: lose v. 失去;丢失;损失;输 lost adj. 丢失的,失去的,输掉的 loser n. 失败者 拓展: lose one’s way 迷路 lose oneself 迷路,迷失方向;沉湎于 lose one’s balance失去平衡 lose a game/match by ( 以……之差)输掉比赛 be lost in 沉迷于 ;翻译: I must keep a good reserve of energy for tomorrow’s match. I have little money in reserve. You’d better reserve the money for future need. We must reserve two seats in the cinema. a forest reserve a game reserve ;【原句回放】We drove the car slowly and watched the lions in the nature reserve. reserve (1) [C]保护区,禁猎区 (2) [C]储藏,储备 (3) v. 保留 (4) v.


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