introduction to USA演示稿.ppt

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introduction to USA演示稿

美 国概 况 An introduction of America Official Name The United States of America (美利坚合众国) Shorten / abbreviated forms The United States The U.S. The U.S.A. Nickname Uncle Sam Uncle Sam During the War of 1812,Sam Wilson was in the business of slaughtering and packing meat. He provided large shipments of meat to the US Army, in barrels that were stamped with the initials U.S. Supposedly, someone who saw the U.S. stamp suggested -- perhaps as a joke -- that the initials stood for Uncle Sam Wilson. The suggestion that the meat shipments came from Uncle Sam led to the idea that Uncle Sam symbolized the federal government. States: How many states does US have? Which two are not on the US continent? How many can you list? Where is the Capital of USA? Washington Monument 华 盛 顿 纪 念 碑 Which is the biggest city? Presidents: Who is the present president? Who is the first president? Are there any other influential presidents you know? What did they do to make you memorize them? George Bush George Washington Abraham Lincoln John F. Kennedy Franklin Roosevelt Richard Nixon What is the president’s resident called? What is Congress office building called? Capitol Hill What is the national song of the U.S.? The star-spangled Banner Oh, say can you see, by the dawns early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight Oer the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave Oer the land of the free and the home of the brave? O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave Oer the land of the free and the home of the brave? 美国国歌:星条旗之歌 1812 年 在 美 国 保 卫 独 立 的 战 争 中, 诗 人 弗 朗 西 斯· 斯 加 特· 凯 在 巴 尔 的 摩 亲 眼 目 睹 了 英 军 对 麦 克 亨 利 堡 的 进 攻, 以 及 美 军 的 英 勇 抵 抗。 9 月13日 凌 晨, 弗 朗 西 斯· 凯 Francis Key 透 过 炮 火 的 硝 烟, 看 到 一 面 美 国 国 旗 仍 然


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