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摘 要: 在美国,电子零售使现有零售商惊恐万状,因为它创造了一种不可思议的商业模式,即以低价格向顾客传递高价值的个性化产品和服务。在欧洲,传统零售业也日渐萧条,电子零售可能会成为刺激市场增长的一种动力。在全球电子商务快速发展的情况下,我国零售业既面临挑战,又迎来不可多得的机遇。正确认识传统零售业与电子商务的关系,分析我国零售业电子商务发展中存在的问题并努力寻求解决问题的方法,用现代信息技术武装我国的零售业,是我国零售业赶上世界先进水平的必由之路。随着经济全球化进程的加快和网络技术日新月异的发展,电子商务在商业上的应用即是在互联网上建立一个虚拟的专业的购物商城,改变传统的购物方式,使用户更加方便快捷的买到所需要的商品,同时有效的降低商品的成本,商家也能够根据商品的销售及时得到信息反馈,对商品进行及时调节。 In the United States, electronic retail make existing retailers be in a blue funk, because it creates an incredible business model, namely with a low price to the customer high-value personalized products and services. In Europe, traditional retailing has become more depression; e-retail could become a driving force to stimulate market growth. In the case of the rapid development of global e-commerce, Chinas retail industry not only is facing challenges, but also ushers in rare opportunities. Correct understanding of the relationship between traditional retail and e-commerce, analyze problems of China’s retail e-commerce development and try to find a solution to the problem, China‘s retail industry be armed with modern information technology, which is the only way to Chinas retail industry to catch up with the advanced world level. With the acceleration of process of economic globalization and the rapid development of network technology, application of e-commerce in business which is to create a virtual professional shopping mall on the internet, changing the traditional way of shopping, allowing users buy needed goods in a more convenient and efficient, while effectively reducing the cost of goods, businesses can receive timely feedback according to the sale of goods, timely adjustment of product. 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 ? 字典 动词 be remain exist dwell be alive belong to an organization depend be located somewhere 介词 in at 关键字:零售业:电子商务:网上购物:C2C模式:发展前景 目?? 录 1. 前言………………………………………………………………………………….…… 2 2. 电子零售是零售业的未来………………………..………………………………….…… 2 2.1中国电子商务的特点………………………………….…………………………….…… 3 2.2中国零售业电子商务的概述…………………………………………….…….……



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