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上海电机学院 本科生毕业论文(设计) 课题名称 仓库温度、湿度综合参数显示器_ 学 院 电气学院 专 业 测控技术与仪器 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 定稿日期: 2011 年 4月28 日 摘 要 目前,仓储式物流企业快速发展、迅速崛起。库是用于存放物品的场所,通风以及温度、湿度的监测是仓库重要条件,它直接影响到储备物资的使用寿命和工作可靠性。温、湿度的测量和控制在纺织工业、林业、化工以及气象观测等领域中也同样有着广泛的应用。ABSTRACT At present, the rapid development of warehouse logistics enterprises, the rapid rise. Library is a place for storage of goods, ventilation and temperature and humidity monitoring is an important condition for the warehouse, it directly affects the life and work of stockpile reliability. Temperature and humidity measurement and control in the textile industry, forestry, chemical, and meteorological observations and other areas are also widely used. Practical application, temperature, humidity and other environmental conditions can be said for that type of business goals is strictly monitored by manual testing, temperature and humidity do not meet the requirements of the Treasury for ventilation, dehumidification and cooling and so on. This time-consuming manual testing methods, low efficiency, and the test temperature and humidity error, random big need for a low cost, easy to use and accurate measurement of temperature and humidity measuring instrument, therefore, the subject of the warehouse enterprises That have practical value, can effectively guarantee the quality of service and normal business operation. Keywords: microcontroller, LED display, temperature sensor, temperature sensor 目 录 1 绪论 1.1文献综述 1.2选题背景及意义 2 设计内容及任务 2.1设计任务 3 方案设计及器件选择 3.1温度湿度采集部分 3.2显示部分 3.3时钟部分 3.4按键部分 4 工作原理 4.1工作原理 4.2电路原理图 5 硬件电路设计 5.1 AT89S52单片机最小系统温湿度测量模块LED温湿度显示模块时钟显示模块EDM1190电源电路时钟、报警部分电路系统软件部分设计MCS-51系列单片机的应用很广泛,是学习单片机技术较好的系统平台,同时也是开发单片微型计算机应用系统的一个重要系列采用集成温湿度传感器DHT90。集成温湿度传感器测量精度高,能把温度转化成数字,测得的温湿度值的存储在自带RAM中,单片机直接从中读出数据转换成十进制就是温度,使用方便。DHT90插针型温湿度传感器采用原装进口数字温湿度传感器芯片,引脚插针为标准2.54插针。该传感器品质卓越、响应超


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