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Wuthering heights novel evaluation 中广教育 04月30日 16:26More education 04 June 30, beside 在英国十九世纪现实主义女作家盖斯凯尔夫人(1810—1865)的著名传记《夏洛蒂?勃朗特传》(“LifeofCharlotteBronteD”)⑥里,有一段关于艾米莉?In Britain the nineteenth century realism writer gaskell lady (1810-1865) of the famous biography charlotte Brontes preaching? ( LifeofCharlotteBronteD ) 6, a paragraph about Emily?勃朗特弥留之际的描写:Bronte of dying description:   “十二月的一个星期二的早晨,她起来了,和往常一样地穿戴梳洗,时不时地停顿一下,但还是自己动手做自己的事,甚至还竭力拿起针线活来。仆人们旁观着,懂得那种窒人的急促的呼吸和眼神呆钝当然是预示着什么,然而她还继续做她的事,夏洛蒂和安,虽然满怀难言的恐惧,却还抱有一线极微弱的希望。……时至中午,艾米莉的情况更糟了:她只能喘着说:‘如果你请大夫来,我现在要见他。’这时已经太迟了。两点钟左右她死去了。”The December on a Tuesday morning, her up, and the usual wear from time to time to wash and dress, pause, but still to make his own their own things, and even tried to picked up her work to. Your servants, Zhi knew that on the sidelines of the shortness of breath and eyes stay, of course, is that what blunt, but she also continue to do her, charlottes and Ann, although the warmth with fear, but still have a line very weak hope....... to noon, Emily situation worse: she can only breathe heavily said: if you call a doctor, now I want to see him. then it was too late. Two o clock or so she died.   在夏洛蒂的书简⑦中记下了不少在艾米莉去世后她的哀伤与感触的文字,这里就不一一赘述了。In charlottes write down a lot of letters 7 in Emily died her grief and feelings of words, here is differ a tautology.   艾米莉?Emily?勃朗特的一生就介绍到这里。Life is introduced to the Bronte here.英国著名诗人及批评家马修?The famous British poet and critic Matthew?阿诺德⑧ (MatthewAmold,1822—1888),曾写过一首诗叫做《豪渥斯墓园》,其中凭吊艾米莉?Arnold 8) (MatthewAmold, 1822-1888), had written a poem called ward Howe, cemetery, thinking of Emily?勃朗特的诗句说,她的心灵中的非凡的热情,强烈的情感、忧伤、大胆是自从拜伦死后无人可与之比拟的。Bronte verse said, her heart in the special passion and strong emotions, grief and bold is byron died since no one in the match.   《呼啸山庄》是一部有丰富象征意义的小说,在艺术手法上,结合了现实主义,浪漫主义,象征主义的边县手法。Wuthering heights is a rich symbolic novels, in art technique, combined with the realistic, romantic, symbolism edge county gimmick.一方面通过曲折生动


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