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Lecture Three 句子: 四六级写作中如何造句 句子 句子是文章的基础,是作者表达思想的最小语言单位。 句子的质量直接影响文章的质量。 写作的最基本要求就是句子语法正确。然后还有修辞及其它技巧。 好的文章都有一个共同的特点——句型多样。 要学好写作,必须首先写好句子,掌握不同句型的写法,并根据自己表达思想的需要进行灵活的句型转换,从而使文中的句子长短错落,起伏有致,以增强文章的表现力。 句子 一篇文章的好坏在很大程度上取决于句子的合理选择。 好的文章不仅要求句子表达正确,语言规范,能准确有效表达思想,而且要富有句式的变化。 同样的意思用不同的句式来表达,往往表达出来的语言风格和修辞效果迥然不同。 这些都要求考生有扎实的语法基础知识,以及良好的语言修养。 英语句子的基本类型(1) 简单句:一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语动词(或并列谓语动词)或表语。表达简单思想,用词较少。 Eg. College students should get to know the world outside the campus. Eg. Studying abroad is beneficial to young people in many different aspects. Eg. Information plays an important role in our life and work. Eg. What we learn today in school can lay a solid foundation for our future career. More Examples of Simple Sentences in Writing Education is important to a person, a country and mankind as a whole. Nothing is more important than good health. Science and technology have brought about great changes to our life. Actions speak louder than words. Practice makes perfect. Failure is the mother of success. To die for the people is a glorious death. 英语句子的基本类型(2) 并列句:用并列连词或分号连接两个或以上简单句。各个简单句无主次之分,是并列关系。 Eg. Be honest, or you will never learn anything. (Or 表选择关系) Eg. We should not just sit here complaining, for it would be of no use. (For 表因果关系) Eg. Some people have no money to spend, while others have nothing to spend money on. (While 表对比关系) Other Examples Many great men persisted in their efforts and so they realized their ambition and achieved great success. (And 表并列,顺接关系) Keeping pets sounds like a good idea, but we shouldn’t neglect the problems it may bring about/lead to. (But 表转折关系) Not only should we learn academic/ professional knowledge, but we are also supposed to have social experience. (Not only…but also 表并列关系) 常见的并列连词 And, not only…but also, then But While Either…or, neither…nor, or, or else, nor For 英语句子的基本类型(3) 复合句: 由一主句和由从属连词引出的一个或以上从句组成。主句表达主要思想,从句表达次要或从属思想,其中从句不能独立存在,而是充当主句的句子成分。 Eg. Children who like fast food are not very likely to get enough nutr


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