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五、借用词 借用词一般来自厂商名、商标名、产品代号名、发明者名、地名等,它通过将普通公共英语词汇演变成专业词意而实现。有的则是将原来已经有的词汇赋予新的含义。例如: woofer 低音喇叭 tweeter 高音喇叭 flag标志、状态 cache 高速缓存 semaphore 信号量 firewall 防火墙 mailbomb 邮件炸弹 scratch pad 高速缓存 fitfall 专用程序入口 在现代科技英语中借用了大量的公共英语词汇、日常生活中的常用词汇,而且,以西方特有的幽默和结构讲述科技内容。这时,读者必须在努力扩大自己专业词汇的同时,也要掌握和丰富自己的生活词汇,并在阅读和翻译时正确采用适当的含义。 ;Computer English ;Key points: useful terms and definitions of Number system and Boolean Algbra Difficult points: Conversion of the Number Systems and Boolean Algbra;Requirements:;New Words Expressions: hexadecimal adj.十六进制的; n.十六进制 radix n.根, 基数 octal adj.八进制的; n.八进制 alphabet n.字母表 fractional adj.分数的, 小数的 whole number n.整数 remainder n.余数 significant figure n.有效数字 quotient n.商 algorithm n.算法 complement n. 补码,余角 carry n.进位 ;Before numbers are converted from one number base to another, the digits of a number system must be understood. Early in our education, we learned that a decimal, or base 10, number was constructed with 10 digits: 0 through 9. The first digit in any numbering system is always a zero. For example, a base 8 (octal) number contains 8 digits: 0 through 7; a base 2 (binary) number contains 2 digits: 0 and 1. ;If the base of a number exceeds 10, the additional digits use the letters of the alphabet, beginning with an A, For example, a base 12 number contains 12 digits: 0 through 9, followed by A for 10 and B for 11, Note that a base 10 number does not contain a 10 digit, just as a base 8 number does net contain an 8 digit. The most common numbering systems used with computers are decimal, binary, and hexadecimal (base 16). (Many years ago octal numbers were popular.) Each system is described and used in this section of the chapter.;Once the digits of a number system are understood, larger numbers are constructed by using positional notation. In grade school, we learned that the position to the left of the units position was the tens position, the position to the left of the tens position was the hundr


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