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5.run 解析:根据上文可知应填run。start to run开始跑步。 6.tired 解析:句意:跑了5分钟后我们有一点累了,但我们没有停下,而是继续跑。a little tired有一点儿累。7.singing 解析:根据下一句“as they sang their favorite song”可知此处表示听见两位中年人在唱歌。hear sb.doing sth.表示“听见某人正在做某事”,故填singing。 8.One 解析:one…the other…是固定结构,表示“一个……另一个……”。 9.at 解析:look at看。句意:另外一个停止舞剑,饶有兴致地看着他(打太极)。 10.catch 解析:catch up with赶上,追赶。 练习(29) 首页 The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route (路线) between China and the Mediterranean (地中海).1. began during the Western Han Dynasty and has been a bridge2.________East and West for over 2,000 years. The ancient road started from Chang’an (now Xi’an)and 3.  in Eastern Europe, near today’s Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea.It was about 6,500 kilometers long and 4._________across one-fourth of the planet. 练习(30) 首页 It Between ended went The Silk Road got its name 5___________Chinese silk used to be carried along this road. Silk, jade (翡翠),ceramics (陶瓷) and iron went to Rome. And from the west came glass, gems (宝石) and food 6.________carrots and sesame (芝麻). The Silk Road was very 7. to both China and the rest of the world. It was more than 8.____ancient international trade route. Beside trade, knowledge about arts, science and literature, as well as crafts (工艺) and technologies was shared 练习(30) 首页 because like important an across the Silk Road. In this way , languages and cultures developed and influenced each other. Today, along the Silk Road there’re many places of 9._________,such as the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an and Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. Now a new train line 10.  from Beijing across the Silk Road. 练习(30) 首页 interest runs 【语篇解读】本文记述了“丝绸之路”的起源、历史作用及现状。 【答案详解】 1.It 解析:这里要用一个代词作主语,指代前面提到的“The Silk Road”,故填It。 2.between 解析:表示在两者之间用“between”。句意:它起源于西汉时期,成为了东方和西方2000多年来的沟通桥梁。 3.ended 根据and并列句的前半句中的“started”可知这里应填end与其相对。句意:古代的丝绸之路始于长安(现在的西安),止于西欧,在今天的土耳其和地中海附近。 4.went 解析:go across穿越,根据全文时态可知用过 练习(30) 首页


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