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3)艺术和手工艺的分道扬镳;手工艺是传统的作为文化符号的非物质遗产; 3)the Arts and Crafts parted; Handy-Crafts as the traditional symbols is Intangible Cultural Heritages. 4)设计等于“文化创意产业”; 4)Design equals “Cultural and Creative industry ”. 5)反对“中国制造”中成长的新民族主义; 5)The new Nationalism raised up by the anti- “made in china” movement. 谢谢!Thank you ! * 中国设计与包豪斯Design of China and Bauhaus 误读 与 “自觉误读” Misreading and “Misreading by Own” 清华大学 美术学院 杭 间 Tsinghua University Hang Jian 2010/9 背景的差异 Differences of the Backgrounds 20世纪初,包豪斯影响中国以前,五四的新文化运动,中国社会已有通过“科学”和“艺术”改造社会的思想,如康有为的《万木草堂藏画目序》、蔡元培的“美育救国”; At the beginning of Twentieth Century, before the Bauhaus came into China, when the New Culture-Revolution of “Wu-Si” started, Chinese people have realized that the “Science” and “Arts” could reform the society, such as Kang You-Wei and his Collected Painting Catalog of Wan-Mu-Cao-Tang, and Cai Yuan-Pei’s theory of “Arts education can save the motherland ”. 对于早期留学欧美的中国艺术家而言,包豪斯引起了他们的注意,但直接感动他们的是“装饰艺术运动”; Bauhaus caught the eyes of the early over-sea arts students from China, but “Art Deco” moved them directly. 因为,中国当时缺少德绍时期包豪斯那样的工业基础; That because China lacked of the industrial back ground of the Bauhaus in Dessau, 而“装饰”是艺术家可以把握的改造社会的有效途径,并且其语言为中国艺术家熟悉; But “Decoration” was still the best way that artists could reform the society, but the Chinese artists was familiar with. 20世纪前半叶的中国艺术家继承了包豪斯的两大内容:1)艺术可以改造社会;2)工业时代艺术与手工艺可以结合,新的艺术是可以教的; The Chinese artists that in first half of the 20th century succeed Two parts of the Bauhaus: 1)Arts can reform the society, 2) in the industrial era, Arts and Crafts can collaborate, and the new Art can be educated. 因此,“误读”就这样展开; So, the “misreading” begins. 1923年,陈之佛的“尚美图案馆” 的Logo中,图案被转译为Design,1929年发表《现代表现派之美术工艺》,介绍了包豪斯; 1929年,庞薰琴访问柏林,对包豪斯(德绍,迈耶时期)的建筑有正面的评价; 1931年,郑可在法国参观了包豪斯作品展,自此成为中国最坚定的支持者; 1932年,包豪斯解散前夕,张光宇在上海出


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