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新英语交谈上册中英对照WORD文本 ☆★→本套英语资料为我爱英语屋(QQ整理制作,愿能助您英语学习一臂之力←☆★ Unit 1 Conversation 1 Nice To Meet You. B:Ummm.Those burgers smell great.Its a perfect day for a barbecue. M:It sure is.Im glad it didnt rain.My names Mike Gates,by the way. B:Oh,hi!Im Barbara Johnson.Nice to meet you. M:Im sorry.Whats your name again? B:Barbara.But please,just call me Barb. M:So Barb...what do you do? B:Im studying medicine. M:Really?Where? B:At Harvard.What about you? M:Im an engineer at IBM. B:Oh,are you?That sounds interesting. M:Yeah.I like it.Hey,it looks like the food is ready. B:Good.Im starving. LISTEN TO THIS Listen to these conversations and complete the information below. Conversation 1 对话1 M:Great wedding,isnt it?Are you a friend of the bride or the groom? 婚礼办得很圆满,是不 是?你是新娘的朋友还 是新郎的朋友? W:The bride.We went to college together. 新娘的朋友。我们是大 学的同学。 M:Really?I work with the groom.Oh,by the way,my names Bob...Bob Bradley. 是嘛?我是新郎的同事 。对了,我顺便自我介 绍一下,我叫鲍勃.布 雷德里。 W:Hi,Bob.Im June Owens. 鲍,你好。我叫朱恩. 欧文丝。 M:Im sorry.I didnt get your first name. 抱歉,我没听清你的名 字。 W:Its June.Nice to meet you. 哦,是朱恩。见到你我 很高兴。 M:You,too.So,what do you do,June? 见到你我也很高兴。朱 恩,你是做什么工作的 ? W:Im a teller at the Bank of New York.How about you? 我在纽约银行当出纳员 。你呢? M:Im a computer programmer. 我是电脑程序编制员。 Conversation 2 对话2 M:Tim always has good parties,doesnt he? 蒂姆办晚会总是很成功 ,是吧? W:He sure does!Do you go to school with Tim? 确实是这样。你是蒂姆 的同学吗? M:Yeah.We study law together at Princeton University.How about you? 对,我们在普林斯顿大 学一起学法律。你是学 什么的? W:Im in the Fine Arts program at Smith College.My names Kim Jackson,by the way 我在史密斯学院学美术 。介绍一下,我叫金。 杰克逊。 M:Nice to meet you,Kim.Im John Hunt. 见到你我很高兴,金。 我叫约翰。亨特。 W:Well,John...would you like to dance? 喂,约翰,你想跳舞吗 ? M:Id love to. 我很愿意。 Conversation 3 对话3 M:What do you think of the speeches? 你觉得今天的发言怎么 样? W:I learned a lot about international business. 我学到了很多国际商务 方面的知识。 M:Is this your first conference? 这是你第一次来参加会 议吗? W:Yes,it is.Its very nice to meet you.Im Mario Pirelli.Please call me Mario. 是的。见到


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