毕业论文(设计)基于PLC 的供暖锅炉多功能控制系统设计.docVIP

毕业论文(设计)基于PLC 的供暖锅炉多功能控制系统设计.doc

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诚信声明 本人郑重声明:本论文及其研究工作是本人在指导教师的指导下独立完成的,在完成论文时所利用的一切资料均已在参考文献中列出。 本人签名: 年 月 日 基于PLC 的供暖锅炉多功能控制系统设计摘 要:随着自动化水平的不断提高,供暖方式也在不断向前发展。实现供暖锅炉多种功能的自动化控制则显得十分必要。本设计选用的控制器为S7-200PLC,编写程序的软件是STEP7-micro/win,通过PLC控制实现供暖锅炉的水力、热力平衡,使整个热网安全、节能、高效、平稳运行。并设置了数据采集模块,故障报警电路,手动和自动切换控制系统,实现了二次供水系统的自动控制等功能。本文首先介绍了供暖锅炉的结构组成及工作原理,接着介绍所设计的供暖系统的软件设计和硬件设计,及各部分需要完成的功能,然后讲述如何编写程序实现相应功能,并在PLC平台上进行模拟实验,进行仿真测试。通过设计由PLC控制的供暖锅炉系统实现相应功能,对生活中居民区供暖系统有着实际的借鉴意义,因此对基于s7-200PLC的供暖锅炉多功能控制系统的研究对日常生活有着重大意义。 关键词:PLC,供暖锅炉, s7-200, 控制系统 The Design of Multi-function Control System OF Heating Boiler Based on PLCAbstract:With the enhancement of the automation level, heating methods are also constantly moving forward. The realization of the automation control of multi-functional heating boilers is very necessary. S7-200PLC controller was adopted in this design, and STEP7-micro / win software was used to write programs. By PLC control, the balance of waterpower and heating power of the heating boiler was realized, which enables the whole heat supply network to be safe, energy-saving, efficient and to operate smoothly. Data acquisition module, fault alarming circuit and manual and automatic switching control system were set up to achieve functions like automatic control of secondary water supply system. The structure and working principle of the heating boiler were introduced, so were the design of the software and hardware of the heating system and the functions of each part. Then how to write the programs for each corresponding function was elaborated and simulation experiment was conducted on the PLC platform for simulation test. There is certain practical reference significance for the heating system of residential areas by designing the heating boiler system controlled by PCL which realizes corresponding functions. Therefore, the study of multi-function control system which is based on s7-200PLC is of great significance for daily life. Keywords: PLC, heating boilers, S7-200, control syste


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