
John Milton约翰·弥尔顿.ppt

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John Milton约翰·弥尔顿

John Milton约翰·弥尔顿 生平介绍Biographies Paradise Lost 失乐园 Evaluation 评价 * 约翰·弥尔顿(1608.12.9-1674.11.8)英国诗人,思想家。英吉利共和国时期曾出任公务员。因其史诗《失乐园》和反对书报审查制的《论出版自由》而闻名于后世。 John Milton (1608.12.9 -1674.11.8), British poet and thinker. Served during the English Civil Service of the Republic. Because of the epic Paradise Lost and against the system of books, newspapers review On freedom of the pressand is known to later generations. 其代表作《失乐园》是和《荷马史诗》、《神曲》并称为西方三大诗歌。 His masterpiece Paradise Lost and the Homer,Divine Comedyand called the three Western poetry. 1608年12月9日出生于伦敦一个富裕的清教徒家庭。父亲是一位富有文学和音乐教养的公证人。受其影响,弥尔顿从小喜爱读书,尤其喜爱文学。弥尔顿先后在圣保罗学校和剑桥大学耶稣学院受教育,1625年16岁时入剑桥大学,并开始写诗,1632年取得硕士学位。弥尔顿大学期间开始试作拉丁文诗和英文诗,一向刻苦好学 ,富有正义感和民主 、革新的政治理想。因目睹当时国教日趋反动,他放弃了当教会牧师的念头,闭门攻读文学6年,一心想写出能传世的伟大诗篇。 December 1608 9 sunrise in London, a wealthy Puritan family. Father is a rich literature and music education for notaries. Affected, Milton childhood love for reading, especially in literature. Milton has Jesus in Sao Paulo School and Cambridge University educated in 1625 at age 16 into the University of Cambridge, and began to write poetry, a masters degree in 1632. Milton began to test for university English and Latin poetry and poetry has always been hard to learn, full of sense of justice and democracy, innovation, political ideal. Having witnessed the state religion was increasingly reactionary, he gave up the idea when the church pastor, closed 6 years studying literature, bent on writing a great poem can be handed down. 1638年弥尔顿为增长见闻到当时欧洲文化中心意大利旅行,拜会了当地的文人志士,其中有被天主教会囚禁的伽利略。弥尔顿深为伽利略在逆境中坚持真理的精神所感动。翌年听说英国革命即将爆发,便中止旅行,仓促回国,投身革命运动。他站在革命派清教徒立场参加宗教政治论战,用拉丁文写《反对教会管理中的主教统治》、《离婚之道及其条规》、《论出版自由》、《论教育》等对封建专制制度富有挑战性的宣传品及政治论文。 1638, Milton is informative to travel Italy at the European Cultural Centre, called on the local literati Patriots, which is the Catholic Church imprisoned Galileo. Milton deeply Galileo insisted in the face of adversity touched by the spirit of truth. I heard about the outbreak of the English Revolu


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