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中国酒店业网络营销问题及策略 摘 要:Internet是人类20世纪最伟大的发明之一,截止到2008年初,中国网民已达2.21亿,中国网民数已经取代美国位居世界第一位,一种新的营销方式便应运而生,那便是网络营销。随着我国经济的快速发展,我国酒店业得到了飞速发展,网络在世界范围内能到广泛的关注和应用,网络经济迅速刺激旅游酒店网络营销的发展,我国酒店借助网络的信息化平台开展酒店营销,成为酒店营销的新内容。本文介绍了酒店业为何要开展网络营销,并对我国酒店业在开展网络营销中存在的问题进行分析,同时对我国酒店业如何发展提出意见和对策。作为中国旅游业先锋行业的中国酒店业要想跟上时代发展的潮流,跻身于国际发达酒店业的行列,进行网络营销,必将是中国酒店业在21世纪营销的新趋势。 关键词:酒店;网络营销;问题;策略 Chinas Hotel Industry Issues and Network Marketing Strategy Abstract: The Internet is the 20th century mankinds greatest invention of the deadline to early 2008, Chinas netizens reached 221 million, the number of Internet users in China has replaced the United States ranked first in the world. No one will ignore this huge enterprise marketing target groups, so a new marketing approach will come into being, that is, network marketing. As Chinas rapid economic development, Chinas hotel industry has been rapid development of networks in the world to a wide range of concerns and applications, the network quickly stimulate the economy hotel network marketing of tourism development, Chinas hotel through the information network platform for hotel Marketing, a hotel marketing of new content. In this paper, why should the hotel industry in network marketing, and the hotel industry in Chinas network carried out the problems that exist in marketing analysis of Chinas hotel industry views and how to develop countermeasures. Chinas tourism industry as a pioneer of Chinas hotel industry to keep pace with the development of the trend, developed among the international ranks of the hotel industry, network marketing, is bound to be a Chinese hotel industry in the 21st century marketing a new trend. Key words: Hotel; Network marketing; Question; Strategy Internet是人类20世纪最伟大的发明之一,截止到2008年初,中国网民已达2.21亿,中国网民数已经取代美国位居世界第一位。没有任何一家企业会漠视这一庞大的营销对象群体,于是一种新的营销方式便应运而生,那便是网络营销。由于Internet在西方发展的时间较长,其相关技术也很完善,因Internet已在西方渗透到了各行各业,应用极为广泛。旅游业也不例外,早在80年代末,西方发达国家的旅游组织和企业已经看到了Internet即将造就巨大的信息市场,他们把自己的旅游资源、设施、产品等编写成内容详实,图文并茂的材料,抢先进入Internet,进行宣传促销。迄今为止,


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