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皮肤性病学总论;学科的构成;皮肤的结构与功能;皮肤是人体最大的器官;皮肤的组成;表皮(epidermis);表皮的结构 基底细胞层:1层,表皮生发层,连接表皮与真皮 棘细胞层:4~8层 颗粒细胞层/透明层(掌跖部位):2~4层 角质层:5~10层,无细胞核。 表皮的更新 表皮通过时间(turnover time):约28天: 由基底细胞层移行至颗粒层:约14天 由颗粒层移行至角质层表面脱落:约14天;Epidermis;真皮(Dermis);皮肤附属器;皮肤的生理功能;皮 疹 SKIN LESIONS;皮疹的分类;Macule: A macule is a circumscribed, flat lesion that differs from surrounding skin because of its color. ;A;Papule: A papule is a small, solid, elevated lesion. Papules are usually smaller than 1 cm in diameter.;丘疹: 局限性实质性隆起, 直径通常小于0.5cm 炎症性丘疹(A) 病毒感染性丘疹(B) ;Nodule: A nodule is a palpable, solid, round or ellipsoidal lesion. Depth of involvement and/or substantive palpability rather than diameter differentiate a nodule from a papule.;结节:实质性隆起 肿瘤性结节(A) 代谢异常性结节(B);Wheal: A wheal, or hive is a round or flat-topped papule or plaque that is characteristically evanescent, disppearing within 24 hours.;风团:暂时性、局限性皮肤水肿性隆起 ;Vesicle and bullae: A vesicle is a circumscribed, elevated lesion that contains fluid. A bullae is a vesicle larger than 0.5cm. Can be epidermal or subepidermal. 疱疹:含有液体高出皮面的损害。直径大于0.5cm为大疱.;疱疹:含有液体高出皮面的损害。;疱疹:含有液体高出皮面的损害。;疱疹:含有液体高出皮面的损害。;大疱:含有液体高出皮面的损害,直径大于0.5cm。;Pustule: A pustule is a circumscribed, raised lesion that contains a purulent exudate.;脓疱: 含有脓液的疱疹.;Cysts: A cyst is a sac that contains liquid or semisolid material (fluid, cells, and cell products), on palpation, it is resilient. ;囊肿: 含有液体或半固体物质的囊性损害,触之有弹性.;Scale, desquamation: Abnormal shedding or accumulation of stratum corneum in perceptible flakes is called scaling.;鳞屑:脱落的表皮细胞及其它成分 ;Erosion: A erosion is a moist, circumscribed, usually depressed lesion that results from loss of all or a portion of the viable epidermis.;糜烂:表皮的缺损,浅表;Ulcer: An ulcer is a depressed lesion in which the epidermis and at least the upper dermis have been destroied. ;溃疡:皮肤缺损达到真皮或真皮以下;Atrophy: Atrophy refers to a diminution in the size of a cell, tissue, organ or part of the body.;萎缩:指机体某部分(包括皮肤)减少;Crusts: Crusts are hardened deposits that result whe


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