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好:influence 4 ① bring about a(n) far-reaching influence / impact on ② lay a solid foundation for ③ play an irreplaceable(不可替代的、独一无二的 ) role in ④serve as a catalyst(催化剂) for (促进) * Lecture 3 1.图画作文第二段写法 2.应用文(1)—告示的写法 五至六句(80-90词): 1. Topic sentence:主题句,1句 该句说明图画的象征意义(symbolic meanings),即阐释图画的深层寓意。此句为文章的中心思想,也是第二段的主题句,承上启下。 2. Arguments:论证,3-4句 常用手段:因果论证;对比论证;例证;利弊分析等 3.Summary:小结,1句 对论证的句子进行总结,与本段主题句首尾呼应。 * 一、Body: 主体/意义阐释段/拓展段 Topic sentence 主题句(中心句)的写法 1.(2011)图画所隐含的意思能够用公共行为和环境保护来阐述。 The implied meaning of the given picture can be elaborated in terms of public manners and environmental protection. 2.(2010)在图画背后或“隐藏”在火锅里的含义显而易见:为了构建中国文化以及未来,具有中外特色的物质不可或缺。 What lies behind the picture, or “buried” in the hot pot, is clear: for the construction of the Chinese culture and the future, materials of both Chinese and foreign features are indispensable. 3. (2009) 这幅发人深省的图画所传达的观点很明显:除了它的优点外,网络也不可避免地有它自身的弊端。 The idea conveyed by the thought-provoking drawing is apparent: Internet inevitably has its disadvantages as well, with the exception of its good use. 4.(2008) 卡通画作者显然是为了提醒我们合作在日常生活中的重要性。 It is apparent that the cartoonist aims at reminding us of the importance of cooperation in our daily life. 5. (2006)这幅图微妙地反映了偶像崇拜在当今青少年中非常盛行这一社会现象。 The pictures have subtly reflected the social phenomenon that idol worship is prevalent among the teenagers nowadays. 6. The purpose of the drawer is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the decline of ocean resources 7. Undoubtedly, the drawing has symbolically revealed a serious problem in our daily life: … 8. The cartoon is a wake-up call to bring the importance of confidence to our mind. Argument 论证部分的写法 1. 因果分析论证; 2. 举例论证; 3. 利弊分析等 主要手段 思路? ??? A 谈背景? ?? ? B 摆事实? ?? ? C 驳观点(欲扬先抑)? ?? D 讲原因? ?? E 论后果(利弊)? ?? ? ? 1)五至六句(80-90词): 第一句说明寓意(承上启下)后;第二句说明原因 如下;第三四句一个原因及扩展;第五六句一个原因及扩展。 具体化——切忌以理说理。 2)常见原因——法律法规不完善、教育体制不健全、个人意识较薄弱(选一,原创一) * Writing * 1. 原因分析 常见原因 The lack of serious punishment according to the laws


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