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SECTION 1    The belief that art originates in   intuitive rather than rational faculties   was worked out historically and   philosophically in the somewhat (5) wearisome volumes of Benedetto Croce, BC   who is usually considered the   originator of a new aesthetic. Croce   was, in fact, expressing a very old 态度   idea. Long before the Romantics stressed R (10) intuition and self-expression, the   frenzy of inspiration was regarded as   fundamental to art, but philosophers had TS   always assumed it must be controlled by   law and by the intellectual power of (15) putting things into harmonious order.   This general philosophic concept of art   was supported by technical necessities.   It was necessary to master certain laws 略读 举例   and to use intellect in order to build (20) Gothic cathedrals, or set up the stained GC   glass windows of Chartres. When this C   bracing element of craftsmanship ceased   to dominate artists outlook, new   technical elements had to be adopted to (25) maintain the intellectual element in   art. Such were linear perspective and P A anatomy. 文章结构类型:新观点推翻旧观点型,推翻艺术来源于知觉的旧观点,建立艺术要建立在理性基础上的新观点 TS:Long before the Romantics stressed intuition and self-expression, the frenzy of inspiration was regarded a fundamental to art, but philosophers had always assumed it must be controlled by law and by the intellectual power of putting things into harmonious order. 态度: historically and philosophically,old 单词: 阅读专用词汇:linear perspective and anatomy 积累抽象词汇intuitive, faculty, bracing,     艺术源自直觉的而非理性的能力,这一信念是由贝内代托·克罗齐(Benedetto Groce)在其令人略感厌倦乏味的著作中从历史和哲学的角度阐述建立起来的,而克罗齐一般也被视作一种全新美学体系的创始人。事实上,克罗齐所表述的乃是一个极为古老的思想。早在浪漫主义艺术家强调直觉和自我表达之前,灵感的癫狂被视作艺术之根本,但哲学家一贯认为,它必须受制于规律法则,受制于那种将万物组织成和谐秩序的理性力量。这种有关艺术的一般哲学概念由于技术必要性而获得了依据。只有当人们必须掌握了某些规律法则并运用理性,才能建造出哥特式大教堂(Gothic cathedral)


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