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双语:写一封完美的电子邮件Email, not the web, is the most-used Internet application by transaction volume. Its also the most misused. Since its such an important and often overlooked component of our online lives, Im going to step away from preaching about the web for a moment and focus on simple steps to make your email discussions more effective. 电子邮件,而不是网络,从应用来看是使用的最多的互联网应用,同时也是被误用最多的。由于它是我们在线生活如此重要而又经常被忽略的组件,因此我暂时放下谈论网络,集中讨论一下让您的电子邮件交流更有效的简单方法。 If you grew up like I did, you were taught how to write a letter. You learned how to write business and casual headings and salutations, state your purpose, make a request, set expectations for a response, and wrap it up with a Very Truly Yours. 如果你像我一样,你从小就会被教导如何写信。你学会了怎样写商务和普通信件的标题、称呼,说明你的目的,提出要求,定出期望的回应,并以一个Very Truly Yours的落款结束。 But an email is not a letter, and youre not typing at an IBM Selectric II typewriter. You may look at the days of formal graces in written communication with some sadness, but rest assured that they are as dead as Dillinger. If your purpose is to solicit information or action from another person via email, you must make that clear to them at the earliest possible point in the message. 然而,电子邮件并不等同于普通信件,你不是在用 IBM Selectric II 打字机打字。你可能怀着些许悲伤看着那些书面沟通日子的正式得体,但是剩下的日子证明他们像Dillinger一样死板。如果你的目的是通过电子邮件获取信息或者要求别人做什么,那么你必须在讯息的最开头就向他们传达清楚。 I get hundreds of emails a day, not counting spam. I know Im not alone. Email overload is a problem, and it will probably only get worse. 不算上垃圾邮件,我每天会收到数百封电子邮件。我知道有很多人像我这样。电子邮件过载是个问题,而且这个问题只会变得越来越糟。 Its tempting for geeks like me to propose some kind of microformat as a solution: begin subjects with these words, format the first line like that. But email is too widely distributed to corral into a any kind of structure now. All we can do is focus on quick, concise, effective communication. 因此像我一样的极客们提出某种微格式作为一种解决办法,这个想法听起来很诱人:采用第一行那样的文字和格式开始讨论主题。但是电子邮件的使用分布非常广泛,目前不可能统一为任何一种结构。我们所能做的就是专注于迅速、简洁、有效的沟通。 People differ in how they manage their inboxes, but attention to a few details c


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