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基于网络视域下大学生思想政治教育模式特点探究   摘 要 依托于网络技术的发展,目前高校思想政治教育时开始关注“自由式”教学方式的开展,这不同于传统教学中“课堂式”思想政治教学模式,也不单纯成为其在网络化教学的延伸。网络思想政治教学发展体现出自由性、平等性、互动性的自我教育特征,以思想政治可公约性极限作为相关网络教学效果的衡量标准,并以网络思想政治教学资源的可消费性作为网民教学信息选择的重要参考。通过此种互动的方式产生更多元化的思想政治教学效果,并作用于受教者的思想政治理念、态度、心理以及审美标准等。现阶段网络思想政治教育显著地体现出大学生思想政治教育表层结构的特点,这将会在以后的教学发展中展现出更多的特色。 关键词 思想政治教育 “自由式”教学方式 网络化教学发展 中图分类号:G41 文献标识码:A College Students’ Ideological and Political Education Mode Characteristics Based on Network Perspective HUANG He (School of Foreign Languages, Hechi University, Yizhou, Guangxi 546300) Abstract Relying on the development of network technology, the current began to focus on launching the “freestyle” way of teaching ideological and political education, this is different from the traditional teaching “classroom” model of ideological and political education, not simply extend the network to become its teaching. Ideological and Political Education Development Network reflects the freedom, equality, self-education interactive features to the ideological and political conventions of the limit can be related to the network as a measure of teaching effectiveness, and the ideological and political education resources available for consumer education as netizens important reference information selection. Produce a more diverse ideological and political teaching effectiveness through such interactive way, and act on the recipients of the ideological and political ideas, attitudes, psychological and aesthetic standards. Stage reflects the significant ideological and political education and political characteristics of the surface structure of ideological education of college students, this will show more features in the future development of teaching. Key words ideological and political education; “freestyle” teaching mode; network teaching development 1 自我教育是大学生网络思想政治教育的主要目标 伴随着网络信息化技术的迅猛发展,已经深远地影响和改变大学生学习的方式和行为,也在客观上严重冲击着高校传统教育领域。大学生思想政治教育中采用“自由式”教学方式凸显出自我教育的思想。这也就意味着网络成为大学生寻获政治信仰和思想追求的重要媒介,并可以进行自适


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