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Signal Power Raman Amplifier – For 13 dB gain (400mW pump), about 2.5x distance – Avoided high power region: non- linearity – Avoided high noise Source: Lightwave August, 2000 μ1 ? μ0 σ 1 + σ 0 Q ≡ region Pure EDFA Hybrid Amplifier High Power Region High Noise region Source: M. Nissov et al, ECOC 97, PD, pp.9-12 Dynamic Gain Equalizer – Electronic Equalizer ? DeMux / Attenuation / Mux – AWG: Lucent – Diffraction grating: ? Lucent: MEMS ? JDSU: LCD ? Coring: LCD – Fouier Filter ? MZI – Waveguide: IBM – Birefringence crystal: Chorum – All fiber Acoustic 100 us 5 ms ~5ms ~1ms Speed 1 W 8 W 12 W 8 W Power 0.1 ps 0.3 ps 0.15 ps 0.3 ps PMD 0.5 dB 1 dB 0.2 dB 0.3 dB PDL Attenuation Range 10 dB 7dB 9 dB 10 dB Insertion Loss 1 dB 3.5 dB 6.8 dB 6 dB 3.3 nm 5 nm 1 nm 2.4 nm Spectral Resolution All Fiber Acoustic MZI AWG Grating Dynamic Gain Equalizer * Fiber Optical Communication Market and Technical Trend Bo Cai JDS Uniphase JDSU Snapshot Communications Markets Fiber Optical Components Capacity per strand (Gb/s) As the demand for bandwidth grows, each network Impact of WDM Technology As the demand for bandwidth grows, each network pipe needs to expand to carry more data, with aaminimum investment of $/managed bit Performance / Price 9 Months 18 Months Optical Impact of WDM Technology Time to Double 12 Months Storage Moore’s Law: Silicon IC 5 1 2 3 4 Year 0 8 x 2.5Gb/s Edisons first lamp P araffin candle 1 Lamps T homas Savery 10 Gb/s @100 GHz DWDM Systems 4 x 10Gb/s T ungst en Celulose filament I W at t I James W at t II James T homas GaAs diode 10 Gb/s @25 GHz Gas t urbine Flourescent 10 Gb/s @50 GHz St eam t urbine St eam t urbine Charles P arsons expansion T Cornish II 1 Engines Steam RESOURCE EFFICIENCY Progress Time Scales Accelerating TECHNOLOGY PROGRESS 100% 10% 1% 0% 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000


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