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* 1 1 Wir beginnen den Cycle bei der Erkennung der Probleme und Bedürfnisse des Patienten. Dazu führen wir eine Anamnese durch und benutzen Patientenfragebogen. * * * The basis for the implementation of the ICF in rehabilitation medicine is a common understanding of the rehabilitation process. The Rehab-Cycle is a model for the understanding of the rehabilitation process that can be used as tool for the case meangement in rehabilitation. It involves the four steps— assessment, assignment, intervention, and evaluation. * The assignment step refers to the assignment to health professionals, programs and services. It includes the decison about inpatient ....... * * The assignment step refers to the assignment to health professionals, programs and services. It includes the decison about inpatient ....... * The next step is the intervention. * * The last step in the Rehab Cycle is the evaluation. * * * Assessment with the ICF Sheet Patient‘s perspective Rehabilitation team perspective Body-Structures/Functions Activities/Participation Personal Factors Reha-diagnosis ICD-10 chronic polyarthritis [ICD: M05.9] Environmental Factors Pain in right knee and shoulder Pain in hands and fingers Shortened mobility and flexibility Swelling in finger, wrist and knee joints Difficulties in getting dressed Problems in brushing teeth and combing hair Difficulties in lifting things above the head Problems preparing meals Problems doing housework I had to give up my job as a secretary All my free-time activities are affected My intimate relationship with my husband is also affected because of the pain Medication + Lives in a fourth floor flat; No elevator – Needs aids for hand use+, Supportive husband+ Self-help group+ Motivated+ adequate coping strategies+ Impaired mobility of joints Impaired joint stability Impaired muscle strength Inflammation parameters in blood Subluxation of metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints 2 and 3 right, beginning ulnar drift right Degenerative chan


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