friends老友记的英文介绍ppt 适于翻译课(有很多内容挡在图片后面,放映时可见).ppt

friends老友记的英文介绍ppt 适于翻译课(有很多内容挡在图片后面,放映时可见).ppt

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friends老友记的英文介绍ppt 适于翻译课(有很多内容挡在图片后面,放映时可见)

* * Just like what shows in these pictures, the sitcom tells the funny and moving stories about six people, Monica, Ross, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Rachel, who have totally different personalities come together, hang out, and become friends. 就像这些照片表现的一样,这部情景剧讲述了莫妮卡、罗斯、钱德勒、乔伊、菲比和 瑞秋 这6个性格迥异的主人公,相遇,相识,相知成为挚友十年中发生的有趣或感人的故事。 Friends is an American sitcom showed on NBC from 1994 to 2004. The series revolves around six friends in the area of Manhattan, New York City. 《老友记》(又译《六人行》),是一部由美国NBC从1994年至2004年历经十年播放的,展示纽约曼哈顿区三男三女六位好友日常生活的情景喜剧。 The sitcom has showed in over a hundred nations, and has been one of the hottest series for over ten years. 该剧已经在一百多个国家播放过,并且十几年来一直是最火的电视剧集。 The sitcom lasts so long isn’t for no reason. It had made too much laughter and tears. The typical American sense of humor in this serial attracts not only native audience but also foreigners. Its ways of humor made influence on later sitcoms, for example, The Big Bang(生活大爆炸), and even Chinese sitcom Ipartment(爱情公寓). 这部情景剧能持续十年是有原因的,十年来它制造了无数欢笑与感动。其中所蕴涵的典型的美国式幽默不仅吸引着本土的观众,也令外国人开怀大笑。他的幽默方式对后来者影响深远,例如生活大爆炸,甚至也被中国情景喜剧爱情公寓借鉴。 Also the friendship between the heroes and heroines is so lovely that we just can’t help watching it. The serial makes me hope that I could meet perfect people and build wonderful relationships in my life just like the six friends did in the show and in their real life. 同时男女主人公们的美好友谊让我们情不自禁深陷其中,使我暗自期许在自己的生活中遇见美好的人们,建立像6位老友一样亲密无间的情谊。 Moreover Friends is the big serial for foreigners to learn oral English. So it is collected by many Chinese English learners as real treasure to improve speaking English and learn English cultures. 此外,《老友记》学习纯正美语和了解美国本土文化的良好工具,因此被无数英语学习者收藏,视为珍宝。 So the translation work seems to be very important and tough. 所以其翻译工作就显得尤其重要而艰难。


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