《Lesson 10 Winter Fun》课件小学英语冀教版一年级起点六年级上册(2014年7月第1版).ppt

《Lesson 10 Winter Fun》课件小学英语冀教版一年级起点六年级上册(2014年7月第1版).ppt

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《Lesson 10 Winter Fun》课件小学英语冀教版一年级起点六年级上册(2014年7月第1版)

南陈屯中心校东屯小学 -----刘俊香 Lesson 10 Winter Fun 义务教育教科书冀教英语六年级上第二单元 a circle a small circle a smaller circle a carrot nose two stones eyes two sticks arms some stones for mouth a hat a scarfe Its a snowman . What is it ? They feel happy ! So making snowmen is a great winter fun activity. 1 Make a snowman New words snowman 雪人 snowball 雪球 body 身体 then 然后 mouth 嘴巴 wonderful 极好的 snowman = snow + man snowball snow + ball= make a snowman make snowmen Importent words 1 Make a snowman Listen and Look Importent sentences in text Let’s make a snowman . 让我们堆雪人 。 We make snowmen in China ,too ! make a snowman make snowmen 在中国我们也堆雪人。 “堆雪人”的单复数。 Importent sentences in text Then we make a small snowball for his head. we make a … for …(身体部位) 我们做一个…作为… 然后我们做一个小雪球作为他的头。 Importent sentences in text Can you put this small snowball on that big snowball . 你能把这个小的雪球放在那个大雪球上吗? Importent sentences in text I have some candy for his eyes . I have … for …(身体部位) 我有…作为… 我有一些糖果作为他的眼睛。 Objects for the snowman Parts of the snowman a big snowball a small snowball a carrot some candy a banana two potatoes two sticks 1 Make a snowman Listen again and fill in the form his body his head his nose his eyes his mouth his ears his arms 1、What do they make in winter? Questions for text . They make a snowman. Questions for text . First , they make a big snowball. 2、What do they do first ? Questions for text . Then they make a small snowball. 3、What do they do then ? Questions for text . 4、Whats for snowmans nose? The carrot is for his nose. Questions for text . 5、What can be snowmans eyes , mouth and ears ? Some candy for his eyes , a banana for his mouth and two potatoes for his ears . Questions for text . 6、What can be his arms ? Two sticks . Retell “make a snowman” . First , we make a big snowball . How to make a snowball? Retell “make a snowman” . Then , we


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