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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资 料 GMAT句子改错之比较结构-智课教育 比较结构是具有特殊结构的平行结构,同时具有比较的对象以及被 比较的对象。确保比较对象在结构以及逻辑层面平行并列而且还要注意 到省略现象。所以比较在GMAT句子改错中考察的还是有一些难度的。 那么今天小编就给大家介绍下GMAT句子改错之比较结构的内容。 一、常见标志词 Like/unlike(表示:像还是不像,用作介词) Like VS as (形容词/副词)比较级+than As+(形容词/副词)+as The same as different from In contrast to/with(对比) 二、考点like VS as (表比较) 1、在表示比较的时候,like/unlike 用作介词,后面只能接名词, 代词或者名词短语,不能接从句或者介词短语,如果出现了从句和介词 短语就可以直接排除。表示比较两个事物。 2、AS用作连词,后面接句子,因此可以使用as接两个完整的句子 表示比较,as用作比较两个动作。 》》点击了解GMAT语法比较as与like的区别解析 三、考点(形容词/副词)比较级+than 句子中没有than时不能使用比较级,当句子中有than时需要注意是 否有形容词或副词的比较级。 例1:With winter coming,I will have higher energy bills.(错误) 改正 :With winter coming,I will have higher energy bills than now. 例2:I will have higher bills over last year. 改正 :I will have higher bills than last year. 四、倍数 +as adj.(adv.)……as/the n./what…… 例1:……women with less than a high school education were three times as likely to begin smoking as women who went to college. 例2:Africa’s black rhino population in the mid-1970’s numbered about 20000,ten times the estimated population of 2000in 1997. 》》点击了解GMAT语法比较结构知识点讲解 五、比较中的平行 1、结构平行-拥有相似的结构 例1: I like to run through forests more than I enjoying walking through crowds. 改正 :I like running through forests more than walking through crowds.(还有其他改法,但是一定要确保结构相似) 例2: According to a study ,aspirin prevents blood clots just as well as a commonly used and more expensive blood-thinning drug dose. 这句正确,是个省略现象。 2、逻辑意义平行--比较对象有可比性 例1: Frank’s build ,like his brother ,is brood and muscular. 改正1:Frank’s build ,like his brother’s ,is brood and muscular. 改正2:Frank,like his brother ,has a brood and muscular build. 例2: Beethoven ‘s music,which broke a number of established rules with its structure and mel


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