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第32 卷 第2 期 地球科学与环境学报 Vol.32 No.2 20 10 年6 月 Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment Jun .20 10 1 2 2 2 2 白贵霞 ,程传录,郭春喜 , 王小瑞 ,马新莹 (1., 710054;2. , 710054) :。 , , IT RF2005 2008.363(2008 5 12 ), , , 243 cm, 68 cm, 36 cm。, “——”; ;, , 。 。 :;;; :P227 :A :1672-6561(2010)02-0205-06 Analysis and Monitoring of Crustal Deformation in Wenchuan Earthquake 1 2 2 2 2 BAI Gui-ia , CHENG Chuan-lu , G UO Chun-i , WANG Xiao-rui , M A Xin-ying (1.S haanx i B ureau of S urv ey in g an d M ap p ing , X i an 710054, S haan x i, Chi na;2.Geod et ic D a ta P rocessi ng Cen ter, S tat e B ureau of S urv ey in g and M ap p ing , X i an 710054, S haan x i, Chi na) Abstract:Analysis and monitoring of crustal deformation are of significance to study the influence of W enchuan Earthquake to the topographical change of seismical region and Qinghai-T ibet Plate.Observation data of crustal deformation before and after W enchuan Earthquake in related monitoring stations w ere collected.Based on uniform model, the data of monitoring of crustal deformation before and af ter Wenchuan Earthquake w ere calculated to IT RF2005 reference frame and 2008.363 epochs (M ay 12, 2008).The result showed that the geodetic datum of epicenter area w as damaged seriously;the deformation of monitoring stations had been deformed and dislocated with horizontal displacement of 243 cm, settlement of 68 cm and uplif t amount of 36 cm. In addition, deformation monitoring of Wenchuan Earthquake was discussed.The result showed that the west block of “Ying iuzhen


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