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关于超低功耗温度计的设计 Thermometer on the design of ultra-low power 关于超低功耗温度计的设计 [摘要] 本系统采用美国德州仪器(TI)生产的16位超低功耗混合处理器MSP430系列单片机作为主控核心,由温度采集模块、电源模块、显示驱动电路、显示电路、键盘模块、时钟模块等构成了一个具有时钟功能的低功耗电子温度计。 为实现温度的实时检测并显示的功能,本系统选用DS18B20线式数字温度传感器,实时监测环境温度并以数字量形式输出,可通过单片机读取并由显示模块显示出来,程序设置可以实现温度上下限报警功能;同时液晶显示选用具有低功耗功能的HT1621D驱动的液晶模块。通过按键可进行温度和时间的显示切换。系统实时时钟我们采用美国DALLAS公司生产的DS1302实现时、分、秒等时间信息的采集、处理。当需要显示时间时,单片机将时钟芯片中的时间数据读出并送显示。为实现整个系统的低功耗,我们采用按键唤醒功能,在正常情况下系统工作在掉电模式,时钟和温度传感器正常运行但并不显示;只有当按下唤醒键时才能启动显示。 关键字低功耗 MSP430单片机 HT1621D DS18B20 DS1302 Thermometer on the design of ultra-low power [Abstract] The system uses a Texas Instruments (TI) produced mixed 16-bit ultra-low power MSP430 MCU processor core as master, by the temperature acquisition module, power module, display driver circuit, display circuit, a keyboard module, clock module and so constitute a low-power clock features electronic thermometer. To achieve real-time temperature detection and display functions, the system first-line choice of DS18B20 digital temperature sensor, real-time monitoring of ambient temperature and in the form of digital output, single-chip can be read by the display module is displayed, the program settings can be achieved upper and lower limits of temperature alarm function; At the same time, liquid crystal display with optional low-power features of the LCD module HT1621D drive. Through the keys can be temperature and time display switch. We use real-time clock system, the United States DALLAS achieve DS1302 manufactured by hour, minute, second time information, such as collection, treatment. When the need to show the time, single-chip chip clock time data read out and sent to display. The whole system to achieve low-power, we have adopted a wake-up function keys, under normal circumstances the system in power-down mode, clock and temperature sensor but it does not show the normal operation; only when pressing the key wake-up show to start. [Keywords] low-power MSP430 single chip HT1621D DS18B20 DS


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