新风尚大学实用英语第三册课后练习答案 for Unit 2.doc

新风尚大学实用英语第三册课后练习答案 for Unit 2.doc

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新风尚大学实用英语第三册课后练习答案 for Unit 2

Unit Two Life and Fashion Passage A Just Do It 1. The Structure of the Text Passage A is about how the famous brand Nike was created. It is written in time sequence. The passage is divided into three parts: Part One (Para. 1): The writer introduces the topic: Philip H.Knight created a famous brand Nike. Part Two (Para. 2 – Para. 13): How Nike was created and developed into a famous brand. Part Three (Para. 14): Knight resigned as an influential figure. Detailed Discussion of the Text 1. Knight successfully executed his objective… (Para.1) execute vt. perform an action or a movement实施,执行 to kill (sb.) as a legal punishment 处死 e.g. The pilot executed a perfect landing. 飞行员完成了一个的着陆。 They drew up and executed a plan to reduce fuel consumption. 他们制定并实施了一项降低燃料消耗的计划。They were sent to execute the plan. 他们被派去执行计划。 The man was executed for murder. 那个人因谋杀而被处死。 2. At Stanford he was given an assignment while working on his MBA that would change his life and the global athletic-shoe market. (Para. 2) Paraphrase: At Stanford University when he worked on his MBA, he was given an assignment, and it changed not only his life but also the world athletic-shoe market. 在斯坦福大学攻读工商管理硕士期间他得到了一项任务,这项任务不仅改变了他的一生而且改变了全球运动鞋市场。 assignment n. a task or a piece of work that sb. is given to do 任务;(课外)作业 e.g. You will need to complete three written assignments per semester. 你每学期要完成三书面作业。 I had set myself a tough assignment 我给自己定了一项艰巨的任务。3. His goal was to provide better-quality shoes for prices that were lower than those currently being offered by the market leader at the time, Adidas. (Para. 3) Paraphrase: Knight tried his best to offer better-quality shoes at prices lower than those currently being offered by Adidas, the market leader at that time. 他的目标是提供比当今市场占主导地位的“阿迪达斯”还要物美价廉的运动鞋。 good-quality a. a high standard 优质的 e.g. That company should provide better-quality products for local people. 那家公司应该向当地人提供优质产品。 xperience told me that yours are of better quality. 经验,你们的产品质量


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