板块八 Unit 9 Saving the earth.ppt

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板块八 Unit 9 Saving the earth

The drug did not      his health;in fact,it seemed to have no      at all. A.effect;effect     B.effect;affect C.affect;effect D.affect;affect 解析:句意:这药没有影响他的健康,事实上,似乎一点效果都没有。第一个空白处需要动词作谓语,第二个空白处需要名词作宾语。 答案:C doing建议做…… sb.to do(not to do)/against doing  建议某人(不)做……,劝某人(不)做…… 宾语从句(从句中用虚拟语气,形式为should+动词原形,should可省略) 宾语+疑问词+to do建议…… (1) advise+ (2)advice n.      建议;忠告 give sb.advice on 就……给某人提出建议 follow/take sb.s advice 听从/接受某人的忠告 advise vt. vi.忠告,劝告;建议;通知;商量 I advise waiting until tomorrow.我建议等到明天。 I advise you to start at once.我劝你立刻出发。 I strongly advise you  going abroad. 我力劝你不要出国。 I advised that parents  children enough room to live by themselves. 我建议父母给孩子们足够的独立生活的空间。 If you take  ,youll see a doctor. 如果你听我的劝告,就去看医生。 against (should)give my advice (2009·昆明模拟)As the boy was weak in health,his doctor      him to take more exercise. A.hoped       B.suggested C.thought D.advised 解析:advise sb. to do sth.“建议某人干某事”,其余三项无此用法。 答案:D In a beautiful picture there is harmony between the different colors.美丽的画面中,不同色彩相协调。 in harmony with...与……协调一致 (1)live in harmony    和睦相处 be out of harmony with... 与……不协调 social harmony    人际关系和谐;社会和谐 (2)harmonious adj. 和谐的;协调的;和睦的 Tom and I worked together  for years. 几年来汤姆和我一起工作,和睦相处。 The government calls on us to create  .政府号召我们建立一个和谐的社会。 in harmony a harmonious society It took her three days before she found herself to be     with her new classmates. A.in common B.in harmony C.in connection D.in company 解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:三天后,她发现她自己与班里的新同学相处融洽了。in harmony with“融洽,与……一致”,符合句意。A.“与……有共同之处”;C.“与……有联系”;D.“在……的陪伴下”,均与句意不符。 答案:B The government took no action to stop the pollution. 政府没有采取措施来制止污染。 What action are you going to take? 你要采取什么样的措施? take action采取行动 take steps/measures to do sth


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