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全国公共英语(PETS3)学习笔记 Unit1 Greeting and introuduction - 2 - Unit2 People - 4 - Unit3 HouseandFamily - 6 - Unit4 Environment - 8 - Unit5 WeatherandClima - 11 - Unit6 EatingandDrinking - 13 - Unit7 Foodculture - 15 - Unit8 AtHome - 16 - Unit9 AtWork - 19 - Unit10 - 20 - Unit11 EntertainmentandSports - 23 - Unit12 ShopsandCommodities - 25 - Unit13 Shopping - 27 - Unit14 Holidaysandfestivals - 29 - Unit15 HolidayActivities - 31 - Unit16 Placesandlocations - 33 - Unit17 TravelandTourism - 35 - Unit18 SightseeingandTravelPlans - 37 - Unit19 VisitingaDoctorandHealthInsurance - 39 - Unit20 BodybuildingandEnvironmentSanitation - 41 - Unit21 Services(1) - 43 - Unit22 Services(2) - 45 - Unit23 Making friends and communication - 47 - Unit24 Political, Legaland Social Issues - 49 - Unit25 WorkandPosts - 51 - Unit26 Find a Job - 54 - Unit27 Chinas education system - 56 - Unit28 Popular Science - 58 - Unit1 Greeting and introuduction   Dialogues/monologues:   1、You can tell they lived during the Depression.   这里的tell是断定的意思,咳……常常把它的意思与(告知、告诉)联系在一起,脑子便转不过弯来.   此句意思应该是: 你可以断定他们生活在那时的大萧条期。   2、He really knows how to bring a person out.   bring a person out. 是“鼓励一个人的”的意思。   整句话的意思是:他非常善于鼓励别人/使别人振作起来。   PS:to bring sb. out:来源:考试大   意思为:to make someone feel more comfident, happy, and friendly/使某人更加自信、开朗   3、he looks like his fun to be with.   整句话的意思是:他看起来是个很有意思的人。或,和他在一起应该会很有意思。   句子解析   4、since were going to recruit some staff so that we can get our new school going in time.   这里的since, 和so that 是基于……原因的意思.根据意思我将其译成: 届时……将……以便……   整句话的意思是:届时我们将聘请一些工作人员以便使我们的新学校及时开学.   5、Would you address character description for the commercial and industrial arts staff ?   arts staff 怎么翻译?来源:考试大网   ==你能够给商业与工艺美术的职员讲讲特征描述吗?   arts跟前面的commercial and indutrial连在一起看,而非与后面的staff:(the commercial and industrial arts) staff.   6、There are a number of other positions to consider.   A number of 换成 a lot of 或者是“a great many”行不行,为什么?   ==可以换成a lot of或a great many of,因为position是可数名词。如果这里是不可数名词,则只能用a number of代替而不能用a


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