夜大 电子信息专业 英语试卷A卷.docx

夜大 电子信息专业 英语试卷A卷.docx

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夜大 电子信息专业 英语试卷A卷

2013级电子信息工程大学英语一 期末测试卷(A卷) 1.Match the definitions(定义)in Column(栏)B with the words or phrases in Column A.(10’)A B___ 1) highlight a. free oneself from___2) grab b. strike violently and noisily as in a car accident___3) bare c. the best, the most important part___4) get rid of d. without clothing___5) crash e. seize suddenly2. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box.(10’)1) cut off 2) brief 3) anyway 4) tend 5) in two minds1) It’ll only be a _____ visit because we recently haven’t much time.2)We’d better pay that electricity bill before they ____ us _____.3) As pace of life(生活节奏)quickens things ______ to change fast in the city.4) Why don’t we get rid of these old chairs, since we don’t use them_____?5) It seems to me that the board of director’s(董事会) is ______________ over the opening of a branch office in South Africa.3. Close (20’)Every few weeks, outside the movie theater in practically any American town in the late 1910’s, stood the life-size cardboard figure of a small tramp(流浪汉)_1____ ragged, baggy pants, a tailcoat(燕尾服)and vest and a battered(破旧的) derby hat-----_2____ the words I AM HERE TODAY. An advertisement__3___ a Charlie Chaplin (卓别林)film was a__4__ of happiness, of that precious, almost shocking moment when art delivers__5___ life cannot.Eight years _6____, Chaplin is still here. In a 1995 worldwide survey of film critics(评论者),Chaplin was voted _7___greatest actor in the film history. He was the first, ___8__ the last, person to control _9___ aspect of the filmmaking(电影制造) process-----_10_____ his own studio and producing, directing, writing, and editing the movies he starred in. In the first few decades of the 20th century, _11____ weekly movie-going was the national_12____, Chaplin more or less helped _13___ an industry into an art. In 1916, his thir


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