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Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 V . Translation 1. 1) Stephen linked arms /was arm in arm with his wife wading through the fierce current. 2) There is no sign that the price of daily necessities is going to fall in the disaster-hit area. 3) Surviving the tsunami, Sara was finally reunited with her family at the airport. 4) Knowing/Seeing that the injured person was in great danger, he quickly clicked into doctor mode and set about saving his life on the spot. 5) She cried her eyes out, telling me that almost the whole village had been overwhelmed by the flood. 2. 1) 这样他们才会安全---海浪已经卷走了很多人的生命, 但他们的位置比海浪高些。 2) 一切都显得那么完美,史蒂文、瑞和孩子们开始在岸边泼水玩,然后又向一个码头走去。 3)当时史蒂文还没有意识到海浪究竟有多大,他让阿什利回到海滩上去拿包。但当海水卡是哗啦啦地冲过六英尺高的港湾围墙是,他明白这不是普通的海浪。 4)史蒂文太了不起了。他立即进入了消防员的状态,先让我们平静下来,然后开始想办法救我们。 5)他们迅速被快艇送到一个受灾很轻的岛上,第二天赶最早的航班回到了英国。 Exercises in reading 2 II. Vocabulary Structure 1. 1) luxury 2) doomed 3) steady 4) remainder 5) flash 6)grim 7) pondering 8) jeopardized 9) rhythmic 10) anchor Unit 4 III. Vocabulary Structure 2. 1) experience 2) contaminated 3) employ 4) life- threatening 5) vacuum-packed 3. 1) died of 2) suffers from 3) focus 4) On occasion 5) come to 6) as a result Banked Cloze 1) suffer 2) diarrhea 3) cases 4) survey 5) from 6) complaining 7) whose 8) required 9) provisions 10) bare 11) out 12) hazardous 13) potential 14) among 15) in all Translation 1) He suffered digestive tract disturbances after taking some contaminated food. 2) We should focus the public’s spotlight on food safety. 3) Food-borne illness can cause diarrhea or stomachache. 4) Fresh food is more nutritious than canned and packaged foods. 5) When food shopping, I am used to inspecting the batch numbers and seals of the products first. Translation 1) 几乎所有的人都有过食物中毒的经历,但可能被误 认为是得了“流感”而硬挺过来了。 2) 肉毒素的毒性很强,仅一粒盐大小的肉毒素就可 以在1小时内致数人死亡。 3) 高温可以杀灭肉毒素,含有肉毒


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