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* * * * Here in one view the customer can see what Rabobank has to offer. No venetian blinds, no obscuring the windows with posters. * The pilot has reached its conclusions and we are proud to announce that the Rabobank will continue to develop and to implement this concept on a much wider scale. Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes my presentation. I hope I have giving you some insight in the way we as Rabobank look upon the main theme of this conference “back to the branch”. Despite the growing numbers of customers that make use of virtual banking, we strongly believe that the branch will remain to play a very important role in serving the customer and communicating about our brand. Thank you for you attention. * 企业业务市场细分 Segmentation business market 销售额 人民币100万Turnover x 1mio RMB 300 300 150 100 50 40 30 20 10 1 法人实体Legal entity 个体经营者 Personal Business 生命周期 Life cycle 说明 Remarks:员工 Employees 资产 Assets 部门 Sectors 公司 Corporate 中等规模 Medium 公司零售 Corporate retail   小型 Small 中等规模零售 Medium retail 小型零售 Small retail 微型 Micro * 荷兰合作银行 Rabobank 客户价值 Customer value 财务价值 Financial value 员工价值 Employee value 客户第一 Customer fist 可持续的财务表现 Sustainable financial results 注重人力资源 Taking care of human resources * 客户满意度=可持续发展=关键成功因素 Customer satisfaction =sustainable development =key success factor 固定的标准化服务水平 Fixed standardized service levels 业务运作:营业厅、结算中心等 Business operations: business halls, settlements etc. 服务:等候时间、电话接听时间 Service: waiting time, telephone response time 营业环境:干净、整洁、注重隐私 Business environment : clean, tidy, privacy 员工:优待员工、尊重员工、使他们态度积极、经验丰富 Employees: well cared, treating with respect, pro-active attitude, skilled * 客户满意度=可持续发展=关键成功因素 Customer satisfaction =sustainable development =key success factor 产品 Products 开发产品以激发客户的金融需求 Developed to enhance financial needs customers 针对细分客户群提供差异服务 Differentiated to segme


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