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温度采集、语音报温系统设计 摘 要 温度是一种最基本的环境参数,日常生活和工农业生产中经常要检测温度。随着半导体技术的飞速发展,各种数字化、智能化温度测量技术的应用范围越来越广。 传统的温度采集方式是采用热电偶或热电阻,由于其输出为模拟信号,必须经过A/D转换环节获得数字信号后才能与单片机等微处理器连接,使得硬件电路结构比较复杂,制作成本较高。近年来,以美国DALLAS公司生产的DS18B20为代表的新型单总线数字式温度传感器得到广泛的应用。本文设计了一个以DS18B20传感器为核心,通过单片机来控制的温度采集,语音播报系统。该系统将温度直接转变成数字信号送入单片机中进行实时采集,通过LCD1602液晶显示模块将结果显示出来,增加了摄氏温度与华氏温度转换对比显示功能,设定了整点语音自动播报时间温度,手动实时播报时间温度功能。 关键字:AT89S52;LCD1602;数字温度传感器;ISD1420 The system designing of temperature collection and voice reported that temperature Abstract: Temperature is one of the m94ost basic environmental parameters, and it usually must be measured in daily life and industrialagricultural production. Withthe rapid development of semiconductor technology,moreand more,digitalintelligenttemperature measuring technology is widely applied.So it is particularly important tomaster the technology of designing a temperature measurementcontrol system inhardware and software. The traditional mode of Temperature measurement adopted thermocouple orthermistor whose output is analog signals and must be converted to digital signals,thentransmitted into SCM(Simple Chip Machine).So it is rather complex with little higher cost.In recent years,DS18B20(DALLAS USA),as a representative of the new digitaltemperature sensor with single bus,is widely used.In this project,a temperature measuringtransmition system controlled by SCM and PC is designed.At front end,the real-timetemperature data acquired and converted to digital type through DS18B20 sensor are sentinto SCM,and it is displayed on LCD1602 module. Increased Celsius temperature conversion contrast with Fahrenheit and sets up a display function beep voice automatically broadcast time temperature, manual real-time broadcast time temperature function. Key words:AT89S52;LCD1602;Digital Temperature Sensor;ISD1420 目录 第一章前言 1 1.1 概述 1 1.2 温度采集器件的发展 1 1.3 存在的问题分析 2 1.4 研究思路 2 第二章系统总体结构设计 3 2.1 系统的结构框图 3 2.2 主要电路功能介绍 3 第三章系统的硬件设计 6 3.1 控制电路 6 3.1.1 单片机简介 6 3.1.2单片机外围电路设计 8 3.1.3 AT89S52复位电路 9 3.1


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