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广西东盟区域物流的发展趋势与对策 摘 要 中国—东盟自由贸易区的建立给广西带来巨大的历史机遇和前所未有的历史挑战,广西地处我国南疆,是内地联系东南亚的“桥头堡”,在未来的中国与东盟自由贸易区建设中发挥着不可替代的作用。广西不但具有这种先天的区位优势,而且也有能力将这一区位优势转化成现实的生产力。在经济全球化和市场一体化的今天,特别是在我国加入世贸组织和即将建立东盟自由贸易区的大好机遇面前,广西的地位和优势越来越重要, 在构建与东盟的物流业方面,广西将大有可为。东盟各国在走出金融危机的阴霾后,也正积极地加大对本国经济的投入力度,而物流作为现今最热门的“第三利润源”,首当其冲成为东盟各国目前投入的重点产业之一。发展广西—东盟区域物流业,是我区应对经济全球化、加入世界贸易组织和中国—东盟自由贸易区的迫切需要,对于提高我区经济运行质量和效益,优化资源培植,改善投资环境,增强我区企业竞争力具有重要意义。 关键词: 中国-东盟自由贸易区 区域物流 物流一体化 第三方物流 Direction and Countermeasure of Guangxi—ASEAN Area Logistics Abstract The setting-up of China- ASEAN Free Trade Area brings the enormous historical opportunity and unprecedented historical challenge to Guangxi, Guangxi is located in south frontier of our country, it is the bridgehead that the hinterland contacts Southeast Asia, and playing an irreplaceable role in future construction of China and ASEAN Free Trade Area. Guangxi not only has such congenital position advantages but also have the ability to transform this position advantage into realistic productivity. Today, economic is becoming globalization and market is becoming integrated, China acceded to the WTO and the ASEAN Free Trade Area will set up soon, under such these conditions, the position and advantage of Guangxi are more and more important. In the course of structuring the logistics industry with ASEAN, Guangxi will have bright prospects. After going out of the haze of the financial crisis, he every ASEAN members are strengthening the power on national economy actively. Now, the logistics as the hottest “the third profit resource”, is becoming one of the key industries that the every ASEAN members invest at present. Development of Guangxi - ASEAN regional logistics industry is the impendent need that front economic globalization, acceded to the WTO and China- ASEAN Free Trade Area. All these will improve Guangxi economic running quality and benefit, optimize resources to cultivate, improve the investment climate. It is significant to strengthen enterprises competitive


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