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Southwest university of science and technology 本科毕业设计(论文) 我国家电行业上市公司国际化战略影响 因素研究————以海尔为例 学院名称 经 济 管 理 学 院 专业名称 工 商 管 理 学生姓名 罗 凤 学号 指导教师 张 霜 教 授 二〇一二年五月 我国家电行业上市公司国际化战略影响因素研究————以海尔为例 摘要:随着经济全球化发展,企业国际化经营越来越成为企业发展的趋势。自从中国加入WTO之后,国际贸易发展迅速,2004年的国际贸易总额上升到了世界第三位,在中国市场进一步开发的过程中,越来越多的企业共同分割国内市场,国内企业面临越来越大的竞争,于是很多企业如海尔、TCL等积极实施国际化战略,以期在世界市场上寻求新的发展空间,参与国际竞争。在我国企业推行国际化战略的历程中,家电行业算是比较早的,而其国际化发展历程也可谓是曲折中前进,为了更好的促进我国家电行业上市公司的国际化战略推行,本文运用例证法、归纳分析法、阐释分析法等就我国家电行业上市公司国际化战略影响因素展开研究,构造出我国家电行业上市公司国际化战略影响因素模型,并将研究成果运用到海尔公司国际化战略的成功案例中进行验证。并在模型的基础上提出家电行业上市公司进入国际市场和跨国经营上可做的创新。 关键词:家电行业; 上市公司; 国际化战略; 海尔 Study the influencing factors of international strategy of the listed companies of Chinese household appliances——Taking Haier as an example Abstract: With the development of economic globalization, international business is becoming the trend of development of enterprises. Since Chinas accession to the WTO, the international trade is developing rapidly, the 2004 international trade volume rose to the third place in the world, with the deeper and deeper development of Chinese market, more and more enterprises join to divide the domestic market, domestic enterprises are facing more and more competition, and many enterprises such as Haier, TCL, actively implemented the internationalization strategy, in order to find new development space in the world market and participate in international competition. During the process of implementation of strategy of internationalization of Chinese enterprises, the household electrical appliance industry is earlier than others, and its international development process is labyrinthine in advance, in order to promote the internationalization strategy of the listed companies of Chinese household electrical appliance industry better, this paper uses the methods of illustration, inductive analysis, interpretation analysis, to study the influencing factors of the internationalization strategy of listed companies of Chinese hous


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