经验及GRE作文资料,心血结晶呀,贡献出来啦 例子.doc

经验及GRE作文资料,心血结晶呀,贡献出来啦 例子.doc

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经验及GRE作文资料,心血结晶呀,贡献出来啦 例子

Roosevelt(领导者的在位时间问题;领导者的成就——用于人物举例:代表社会,创新性,革命;经济上的旧体制不适合新形势=改革(反对声音);不能以貌取人(用于社会类问题,诸如第一印象等);公众的知情权) Economy and politics: The 32nd president of the United States. He served twelve years, longer than any other presidents in history of America; the 22nd amendment to the constitution, passed after his death, denies the right of any person to be elected president more than twice. He held office during two of the greatest crises ever faced by the United States: the Great Depression of 1930s, followed by WWII. His domestic program, known as the New Deal, introduced far-reaching reforms within the free enterprise system and prepared the way for what is often called the welfare state. Both in peacetime and in war, his impact on office of president is enormous. Although there are many strong presidents before him, they are exceptions. In his 12 years in office, strong executive leadership became the basis of United States government, and he made president the center of diplomatic initiative and focus of domestic reforms. Illness When struck by a serious illness in 1921, Roosevelt was always plagued by sorts of illness. In great agony and completely unable to walk, he seems reach the end of his politics career. Despite the fact he was never again able to walk unaidedly, he still persisted in returning to work as soon as possible. He spent most of his working time on wheelchair and can only walk with canes and others’ help. Keep secret Nuclear bomb, the explosive device which can release the nuclear energy on a large scale was first tested in 1945. It is researched, constructed by the Manhattan project, which was top military secret in war. As a new type of weapon, nuclear bomb related to the destiny of country and the result of WWII. After bombing two cities with nuclear bombs in 1945, United States gave the last fatal blow to Japan and ensured the end of the war. Bill Clinton(丑闻与功绩=人无完人,对任何人都需客观评价) As the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton became one of th


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