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QQ Team membermoonlight Lion Solomen QQ QQ Introduction All About QQ The Classical Business of QQ Cellphone QQ QQ Level How to Distinguish QQ Cheater QQ is launched by MaHuaTeng. QQ is the largest number of Chinas current use instant messaging software, the service provider for Chinas biggest Internet tencent communication application software provider, at present the registered user more than 10 billion, more than 2 million active users . Why QQ so big and popular right now? Up to last year marketing analysis,QQ has taken nearly 80% of market share. Msn IM, another popular IM tool only get less than 10% market share… This is my QQ You can check your Qzone updates/mail/Q coins/levels You can see your friends/groups/recent contants You can search all other functions on left bar and on the bottom You can change your QQ settings and interface You can search other users online. Who is online now? QQ friend finder search? Anvanced search? Main function of QQ is to chat with each other.But QQ also include Qzone,QQgame,QQmail,QQshow,QQpet, QQbrowser,QQlive,QQmusic,QQwhirlwind,QQblog,and so many!! What is VIP player, and how to upgrade? VIP include QQvip, red diamond, yellow diamond, green diamond, blue diamond, pink diamond, purple diamond and black diamond. Except black diamond, they are all 10RMB a month. How many benefits to VIP? Such as blue diamond In QQ Game, a normal player can upgrade the rank to VIP level, called”Sapphire Diamond Noble”. To upgrade to the VIP rank, users can buy a package and follow certain rules made bu Tncent. Climbing up to the top, players can enjoy more privileges special rights Cellphone QQ If you use QQ above two hours.You get 1 day. Else if you use QQ above half hours but not reach two hours.You get half day. Else you use QQ not reach half hours.You get no day. Now,QQ is not only a tool for us to chat with each other,but also it has come into our soul. How will you deal with your QQ after you died? Or give


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