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初二英语期中复习试卷 词形变化15% Who is__________ (careful), Li Ping or Li dong? Betty wants to be a____________ (sing) and travels around the world when she grows up. Do you know the ____________ (visit) names? The boy on the left looks___________ (sport). He walked__________ (passed) me and knocked over my bowl. The teacher says she’ll be a singer because she is a_________ (music)student. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of __________(important) festivals in China. Outdoor ___________ (activity) are good for our health. Lily has a pair of __________ (smile) eyes. She looks good-looking. We’d better keep the door____________ (close). It’s cold outside. After reading the __________story, we are __________ in it (interest). The dog helped his owner out of___________ (dangerous). There are two small____________ (mouse) in the box. Many children get fatter and fatter, their parents worry about the____________ (weigh) of them. 15. When I heard the bad news, I felt very _________ (happy). 二、单词拼写 15% The workers are building a house for the_____________(上了年纪的). Tom likes_____________(收集)stamps. It’s his biggest hobby. Don’t leave the baby at home_______________(单独) Kate made the same mistake again. How_____________(粗心的)she is Something is wrong with his leg, he is walking towards us___________(慢慢地). Which subject do you like better,____________(地理) or history? Can you tell me the ___________(整个的)story in English? It’s not right to____________(吓唬) the small children. The poor boy is at the____________(底部) of the class. Don’t be ____________(紧张不安的)when you answer your teacher’s questions. I thought of my good friend May when I read your ______________(广告). Li Ming did well in the writing_____________(竞赛). Ivan has poor ____________(视力)because of too many computer games. I _____________(相信)our school football team will win the match. The boss was very _____________(慷慨的).He donated much money to the students from poor areas . 三、选择填空 20% ( )1.An__________boy drew this picture A. 8


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