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摘要 随着计算机科技的不断发展,在线购物已经成为一种时尚,其方便、快捷、友好的交互特征,使得人们足不出户就能够买到所需商品。近几年,购物平台的逐渐完善和发展,茶在网上的销售有了较成熟的路线,需求也逐渐增大。 本系统采用C#语言开发一个茶叶在线销售系统,采用B/S架构设计,以SQL Server 2005为数据库开发平台、IIS作为应用服务器,采用ASP.net技术开发。本系统分前台和后台两部分,前台主要包括最新动态,商品展示、购物车管理、订单管理、商品查询等功能;后台主要包括商品管理、会员管理、订单管理、网站信息管理等功能。 本文介绍了选题背景及意义,探讨了如何利用ASP技术建立B/S结构的茶叶在线销售系统。对系统进行了需求分析和数据库设计,系统地分析了茶叶在线销售系统的基本内容及总体结构。详细地阐述了本系统模块的设计过程,对本系统进行了功能性的测试等。 关键词:ASP;B/S结构;销售系统 Abstract With the continuous development of computer Science and Technology, online shopping has become a fashion.Because of its convenient, fast and friendly interactive way,people can buy the necessary goods at home. In recent years,with the gradual improvement and development of the shopping platform, tea sales on the Internet has been more mature and demand is gradually increasing. The system uses the C # language to develop a tea online sales system, while using the B / S architecture design, to SQL Server 2005 database development platform, IIS as an application server, using the the technology . The system of foreground and background of two parts, the front desk including the latest developments, product display, shopping cart management, query and other functions; background merchandise management, membership management, order management, website information management function. This article describes the background and significance to explore how to use ASP technology to build the tea online sales system of the B/S structure. The system needs analysis and database design, systematic analysis of the basic content and overall structure of the system of tea sales. Detailed description of the design process of the modules of the system, Carry out a functional testing of the system. Keywords:ASP;B/S Structure;Sales System 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 引言 1 1.1选题背景及意义 1 1.2研究内容和方法 1 第2章 系统开发的关键技术 3 2.1 C#语言的特点 3 2.2 A技术 4 2.3运行环境 4 第3章 需求分析 5 3.1 需求分析 5 3.2 可行性分析 5 3.3 顶层数据流图 6 3.4 第一层数据流图 7 第4章 总体设计 8 4.1功能模块设计 8 4.2数据库设计 11 4.2.1概念结构设计 11


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