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Unit 7 Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage Background Knowledge Peptic ulcer: a non-malignant ulcer of the stomach (called gastric ulcer) or duodenum (called duodenal ulcer). By far most instances are now known to be due to Helicobacter pylori(幽门螺杆菌), a spiral-shaped bacterium that lives in the acid environment of the stomach. These ulcers can also be caused or worsened by drugs such as aspirin and other NSAIDs. rectal examination or digital rectal examination (DRE) :肛门指诊,直肠指检 This is part of the clinical examination of the urinary tract. The doctor wears a protective glove and inserts a finger into the anus to feel the interior organs of the pelvis. Rectal examination is very frequently performed to detect prostate abnormalities but has the limitation that only the back aspect of the prostate can be felt. Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) alternate Names :Stool Occult blood test大便隐血/潜血试验 a noninvasive test that detects the presence of hidden (occult) blood in the stool. Such blood may arise from anywhere along the digestive tract. Hidden blood in stool is often the first, and in many cases the only, warning sign that a person has colorectal disease, including colon cancer. Systolic Blood Pressure(收缩压): the highest blood pressure measured in the arteries. It occurs when the heart contracts with each heartbeat. In a typical blood pressure reading, such as 120/78, the upper number is systolic blood pressure. Diastolic Blood Pressure(舒张压): the lowest blood pressure measure in the arteries, which occurs between heartbeats. In a typical blood pressure reading, such as 120/78, the lower number is diastolic blood pressure. cross-matching : 交叉配血 A test for incompatibility(不相容) between donor and recipient blood, carried out prior to transfusion to avoid potentially lethal haemolytic(溶血的) reactions between the donors red blood cells and antibodies in the recipients plasma, or the reverse; performed by mixing a sampl


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